With stamblades! Make it double with stamdens a blaze! To protect the world from cloakasation. To unite all players in our location. To denounce the evils of birds and bugs. To extend our reach to the many pugs!
Team Powerful blasts off at the speed of light.
Surrender now or prepare to fight!
Im sorry, you can delete, I had to make this, but I do have something serious to say.
I am aware that there is going to be some class rebalancing or at the very least there is a need of it. I just hope that it is in the direction of class idenity restoration and not devastation via nerfs. I would like to see the damage restored to frags or repentance to be unnerfed or at least buffed from its current state. Magplars and Mag DKs are of need of pve buffs, arguably stam dk could use some pvp buffs, and snipe issues (more particularly audio issues) could use a fix or even an overhaul of the skill. I would say warden could use some pve buffs, especially after the nerf to birds, but stamden pvp performance does bring heavily mixed opinions on whether that should happen.
Edited by JobooAGS on March 20, 2018 8:14PM