I have a few questions about gold mats and crafting writs.
I know it is possible to get kuta as a reward from lowwer than rank 10 enchanting. Can other gold mats drop from crafting writ rewards if a character does mot have rant 10 in equitment skills?
My other question, can perfect roe be obtained from provisioning daily writs?
Gold improvement tempers are a similar drop rate to kutas on lower level writs ... but yes they can.
Perfect Roe doesn’t drop on Provisioning writs of any kind (even max level writs). You can obtain Perfect Roe by skinning caught fish or finding it in the Guild Stores.
I do writs daily on 7-10 characters. As a really broad estimate, I’d say that a rank 1 crafter gets a gold temper like 1 in 30 writs. Rank 5 (halfway) maybe 1 in 10. My top rank crafters get a gold temper about 1 in 4.
Hirelings can also reward gold mats, but they are very, very rare. Logging into ten characters daily, I’d guess I get maybe two or three a month...they’re really rare via hirelings.
Hirelings can also reward gold mats, but they are very, very rare. Logging into ten characters daily, I’d guess I get maybe two or three a month...they’re really rare via hirelings.
Dismiss current hirelings and call for another group
My droprate is about 2-4 gold items daily (hireling maxed on 12 alts; all lvl 50 at clothing, BS and WW)