Androconium wrote: »False.
A bowler is round.
Saucy_Jack wrote: »Wait what? Where is this hat located?
Androconium wrote: »False.
A bowler is round.
Well the first image in Wikipedia seems to show one about the same size...
Twenty0zTsunami wrote: »
AzraelKrieg wrote: »Oh look. A top hat. And it matches the style of the one ZOS added to the crown store.
There are other variations of top hats, not just the more common "stove pipe" version.
...I say... give us more hats, period!Please Give Us High Top Hats ZOS
strangeradnd wrote: »Don't do it ZOS, you know the first thing they will do is stand in the front row at all the dancing shows and wreck things for the rest of us. I traveled a long way to watch that Khajit dance and it will suck being stuck behind a guy with a tall hat, with his pet pony and winged &*#@ messing up my view.
you are attacking me in all my threads, clearly if you played the game at all you know it would be fitting with the clockwork tech, and possibly dwemer
idk how
The image is a Photoshop of how a top hat should look
GeorgeBlack wrote: »My immersion