Captain Bones World Boss (Respawning adds)

Hello and good day.

So I'm going to use Captain Bones as an Example:

Why is it, when you solo World Boss's they et scared and call upon these adds. Then, if you kill the adds then take on the main WB , he will call out to respawn them again.

Can anyone tell me why this is a problem? My scenario is, I took down the main by a certain percent, he called out two other adds. So It was too much for me solo so I left and let it reset. I then went back to kill the 2 adds 1 by 1, then focused on the main. Again as soon as I took him down to a certain percentage of health, he brought out the other 2 adds I just killed.

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  • jaws343
    It's a mechanic of the boss. He summons adds at percentage's of his health. You just have to take out the adds before continuing with the boss if the adds are causing that much trouble. There are plenty of fights with this mechanic in the game. Not sure what the actual problem is here.

    As a side note, not all of the world bosses are possible to solo. Some of them have mechanics that require multiple players. But most are if you understand the mechanics and know how to deal with them.
  • VaranisArano
    Its probably just a boss mechanic. Many bosses will summon adds at certain times or at certain health percentages.

    The base game world bosses are very similar to the final bosses of normal dungeons.
  • chaz
    Yeah, but I mean I already killed the adds and then at some point the Main respawned them. I know there are a could of WB's around different area throughout Tamriel but do they always get a free bee respawning help like that when they're getting smack downed by solo players?

    It's not just me, I have come across other people that go around hunting WB's to solo for a challenge or for fun. True some of these WB's are left untouched for hours with no one randomly popping by probably because they're too busy questing. So what's the trick? Is there a way to stop the respawned adds or is the best way when coming across one of these is to take at least one buddy?

    ESO Beta Test Ultimate Question for control!
    Lord Dagon's Mythic Dawn Guild is now recruiting. Dailies, trials, Raids, Fun, Discord (required for staying on Crown), guild bank and so much more. Msg me or mail me in game @Chaz for invite. **See Link Here** ElderScrollsOnlineYouTube

    ElderScrollsOnline Purchase History April 17, 2017 through May 30th 2022 (Crowns,Upgrades, ESO Plus) = $5,610.38
  • jaws343
    chaz wrote: »
    Yeah, but I mean I already killed the adds and then at some point the Main respawned them. I know there are a could of WB's around different area throughout Tamriel but do they always get a free bee respawning help like that when they're getting smack downed by solo players?

    It's not just me, I have come across other people that go around hunting WB's to solo for a challenge or for fun. True some of these WB's are left untouched for hours with no one randomly popping by probably because they're too busy questing. So what's the trick? Is there a way to stop the respawned adds or is the best way when coming across one of these is to take at least one buddy?

    World Bosses aren't necessarily meant to be soloed. Yes you can solo them, but they are designed for group play. There is no way to stop the re-spawning of adds, except for killing the WB. The mechanics of a WB fight do not change, regardless of it you are solo or fighting alongside 100 players. So yeah, if you cannot solo the boss because of the mechanics, either get better at it or bring a friend.
  • Jarryzzt
    You.........seem to be missing the point.

    The boss spawns adds at specific points (which can be %% health, x seconds, cast a particular skill, et cetera). This is how many, many bosses work (not just WBs). In pretty much all MMORPGs I am aware of.

    You figure out the spawn trigger and either deal with the adds or work around them. This has nothing to do with someone "soloing" a WB. I frankly do not see what the issue is.

    Captain Bones in particular is a "weaker" WB and so yes, from what I remember (and I soloed him a while ago) he will continue to drop tanks and mages on you. More so, if you kill him first, the tank and the mage will stick around so you have to nuke all three no matter what you do. This is a mechanic, learn to deal with it or get a group.
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