So I'm standing at Bleaks and a big rush of EP zerglings come rushing in. I dodgeroll out of the way and as they pass, my stamina and magicka both went to 0. I didn't die, when they went by I managed to make my way into the outpost but wasn't able to sprint or cast spells.
Later same night, I'm running from Ales to Bleaks, I come across 3-4 EP, strong players. I dodgeroll once, my stamina and magicka both go to 0. I manage to run about 3 feet and get off a staff attack before I'm dead cause I can't cast anything.
WHAT IS GOING ON? I'm not saying its a hack, but that's one of the more odd things I've seen lately. How is a "group" able to drain my resources completely just by being near me?
PC/NA Daevyen the Warlock (Sorc)