Right now I'm running 5 heavy seducer, 3 willpower, and eventually earthgore (just need shoulders), problem is I don't feel like I'm actually healing anyone in PvP, maybe suppressing some of the dot damage their taking.
on my sword and board bar I'm running: Natures embrace, ice fortress, deep fissure, screaming cliff racer, frozen device, and permafrost
on my restoration staff bar I'm running: enchanted growth, blue betty, healing ward, healing springs, corrupting pollen, and enchanted forest
I feel like I should be healing well and giving some decent buffs/debuffs (along with some CC) but the healing just doesn't seem like enough? I know it's reduced in cyrdodiil but are there better sets I could run that would give me the same survivabilty and sustain?
Nerf mudcrabs