These abilities heal 10% of your max health instantly and 10% over 10 seconds, totaling 20% of your max health over 10 seconds.
Compare that to dragon blood: 33% of your missing health instantly recovered. Can you imagine how bad dragon knight self healing would be if dragon blood was nerfed by 13% and took 10 seconds to achieve full effect? Nobody would use it - and that problem exists for polar wind and arctic blast right now.
The heal isn't sufficient to be used as an emergency heal when tanking, and the damage on arctic blast is negligible, really only useful for extra chances to apply chilled.
I'd like to see this ability changed, and have a couple possible suggestions:
1. Improve the heal amount and duration. Of this isn't meant to be a burst heal, make it something like 5% of your max health every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, with polar wind effecting all nearby allies rather than only one.
2. If the healing can't be improved, rework it as a damage ability. I would love to see it function like an ice version of hurricane, gaining radius and power over time - and hell, that could still allow one morph to heal in the area and one to deal damage
These abilities heal 10% of your max health instantly and 10% over 10 seconds, totaling 20% of your max health over 10 seconds.
Compare that to dragon blood: 33% of your missing health instantly recovered. Can you imagine how bad dragon knight self healing would be if dragon blood was nerfed by 13% and took 10 seconds to achieve full effect? Nobody would use it - and that problem exists for polar wind and arctic blast right now.
The heal isn't sufficient to be used as an emergency heal when tanking, and the damage on arctic blast is negligible, really only useful for extra chances to apply chilled.
I'd like to see this ability changed, and have a couple possible suggestions:
1. Improve the heal amount and duration. Of this isn't meant to be a burst heal, make it something like 5% of your max health every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, with polar wind effecting all nearby allies rather than only one.
2. If the healing can't be improved, rework it as a damage ability. I would love to see it function like an ice version of hurricane, gaining radius and power over time - and hell, that could still allow one morph to heal in the area and one to deal damage
Not saying that the ability is good but comparing it with dragon blood doesnt make sense. Their scaling mechanics are very different. Dragon blood scales off missing health. 33% of missing health is not the same as 33% of max health. Not even close.
These abilities heal 10% of your max health instantly and 10% over 10 seconds, totaling 20% of your max health over 10 seconds.
Compare that to dragon blood: 33% of your missing health instantly recovered. Can you imagine how bad dragon knight self healing would be if dragon blood was nerfed by 13% and took 10 seconds to achieve full effect? Nobody would use it - and that problem exists for polar wind and arctic blast right now.
The heal isn't sufficient to be used as an emergency heal when tanking, and the damage on arctic blast is negligible, really only useful for extra chances to apply chilled.
I'd like to see this ability changed, and have a couple possible suggestions:
1. Improve the heal amount and duration. Of this isn't meant to be a burst heal, make it something like 5% of your max health every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, with polar wind effecting all nearby allies rather than only one.
2. If the healing can't be improved, rework it as a damage ability. I would love to see it function like an ice version of hurricane, gaining radius and power over time - and hell, that could still allow one morph to heal in the area and one to deal damage
Not saying that the ability is good but comparing it with dragon blood doesnt make sense. Their scaling mechanics are very different. Dragon blood scales off missing health. 33% of missing health is not the same as 33% of max health. Not even close.
While what you say is true, it doesn't change that the comparison holds.
Dragon blood is an instant emergency heal that saves you from needing a healer when used right, while polar window and morphs are horrendously expensive for the little help they are.
RavenSworn wrote: »I think it's a different kettle of fish @Lynx7386, wardens has access to more healing options than a DK does. It also does a secondary effect, even if it might not be as effective as dragons blood.
Artic blast procs chilled, deals damage and heals. That is very different from what dragon blood can do.
These abilities heal 10% of your max health instantly and 10% over 10 seconds, totaling 20% of your max health over 10 seconds.
Compare that to dragon blood: 33% of your missing health instantly recovered. Can you imagine how bad dragon knight self healing would be if dragon blood was nerfed by 13% and took 10 seconds to achieve full effect? Nobody would use it - and that problem exists for polar wind and arctic blast right now.
The heal isn't sufficient to be used as an emergency heal when tanking, and the damage on arctic blast is negligible, really only useful for extra chances to apply chilled.
I'd like to see this ability changed, and have a couple possible suggestions:
1. Improve the heal amount and duration. Of this isn't meant to be a burst heal, make it something like 5% of your max health every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, with polar wind effecting all nearby allies rather than only one.
2. If the healing can't be improved, rework it as a damage ability. I would love to see it function like an ice version of hurricane, gaining radius and power over time - and hell, that could still allow one morph to heal in the area and one to deal damage
Not saying that the ability is good but comparing it with dragon blood doesnt make sense. Their scaling mechanics are very different. Dragon blood scales off missing health. 33% of missing health is not the same as 33% of max health. Not even close.
While what you say is true, it doesn't change that the comparison holds.
Dragon blood is an instant emergency heal that saves you from needing a healer when used right, while polar window and morphs are horrendously expensive for the little help they are.
You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
lucky_Sage wrote: »maybe if the made the winters embrace the dmg skill line and animal companions the utilty/stamina skill line the class would of worked better. if they of the frost staff increasing spell pen not trying to force frost tanking because they thought a frost tank would be cool but it failed.
Assuming 35k max health, the DK has to be below 25k health before GDB meets the equivalent initial heal from Arctic Wind. If you include the HoT then the DK has to be below 14k.
Also the Warden is healing a nearby Ally with Polar Wind or chilling.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
KingShocker wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
Don't forget the resource passive. Throw grove down where you have the most teammates and you'll get back a good chunk of stam and mag.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.
Are you at all familiar with tanking? When does a tank ever need a heal over time? This ability is in the tanking tree for the class, but it is not useful for tanks. The only time a tank ever uses a heal on themselves is in an oh-sh!t situation where the healer can't do his job. A heal over time is not going to do you any good there.
These abilities heal 10% of your max health instantly and 10% over 10 seconds, totaling 20% of your max health over 10 seconds.
Compare that to dragon blood: 33% of your missing health instantly recovered. Can you imagine how bad dragon knight self healing would be if dragon blood was nerfed by 13% and took 10 seconds to achieve full effect? Nobody would use it - and that problem exists for polar wind and arctic blast right now.
The heal isn't sufficient to be used as an emergency heal when tanking, and the damage on arctic blast is negligible, really only useful for extra chances to apply chilled.
I'd like to see this ability changed, and have a couple possible suggestions:
1. Improve the heal amount and duration. Of this isn't meant to be a burst heal, make it something like 5% of your max health every 2 seconds for 20 seconds, with polar wind effecting all nearby allies rather than only one.
2. If the healing can't be improved, rework it as a damage ability. I would love to see it function like an ice version of hurricane, gaining radius and power over time - and hell, that could still allow one morph to heal in the area and one to deal damage
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.
Are you at all familiar with tanking? When does a tank ever need a heal over time? This ability is in the tanking tree for the class, but it is not useful for tanks. The only time a tank ever uses a heal on themselves is in an oh-sh!t situation where the healer can't do his job. A heal over time is not going to do you any good there.
Which brings me back to my main point... warden already has a burst heal
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »You want a burst heal for warden use the damn mushroom.... I mean they have one, and another heal on timer, and a heal on light attacks. Asking for things we dont need
Fungal growth costs 4.6k magic or 3.9k Stam and then only heals for like the ten percent anyways. Polar wind costs 3.8k, gives me a 5-9k heal, with only ~34k health cuase lol percentage healing amps and ticks for 5 more times, which basically procs my monster helm off cooldown, sentinel of rekugums, very underrated set. So really the only thing I would want is to have the secondary heal of polar wind have a larger range and give the same hot that the healing get has.
So you're saying a burst heal, one hot, one heal tick with light and heavy weaves, one heal that procs when you take damage, a large aoe burst heal that gives major defile and a large aoe heal ultimate is not enough heals?
first, lol at the bold.
this is for a tank, not a healer. there is no other heal that a warden tank can use, that will heal the tank and no one else as good as polar wind for as cheap. my warden tank uses polar wind, leaching vines and that is it. all the other heals in the warden tool kit are garbage for a tank. cost too much and heal too little or are not guaranteed to heal you in the case of Lotus Flower and morphs, which a terribad skill in the first place. hell, the only reason i use leaching is to proc the passive resource return from Nature's Gift.
lets go over the healing line with an eye for tank or healer use.
Fungal Growth and morphs are too expensive and heal too little to use on a tank, even on my healer i only use this skill for the 10% minor buffs, once every 20 seconds.
Budding Seeds is bad on a tank because it takes 2 casts to use and it only lasts for 6 seconds, this is also why i don't use that skill on my warden healer. maybe if Budding Seeds lasted for 12 seconds, with the option to get the burst any time in that 12 seconds, otherwise it is useless on a healer too, takes too much to keep up. this skill is basically the healing ritual (the clap heal from temps line) that you can place the ground, and in my opinion it is just as bad. the only thing good about it is the synergy.
Leeching Vines is the only skill from this line that i use on my tank, to provide resources from the passive and puts minor lifesteal on the boss most of the time, might actually try using blood altar here, because blood altar also provides a synergy for the group and puts minor lifesteal on everything in 28 meter range. for 33 or 47 seconds. that is a huge amount of time.
Lotus Flower and morphs are crap heals too, once a second IF you are light weaving, which on a tank or heal you can't really do, no guarantee that the tank will get the heal, the only reason i run this on my stamden is because i am too cheap to use good pots for major savagery. inner light is 100% better if you are using this skill for the major prophecy, ie Lotus Blossom, because it gives you 7% max mag, like 3 -4k my healer and 2% regen for having it on my bar. passively. much better then having to reapply the buff every 20 seconds.
Nature's Grasp and morphs are useless for a healer because you have to aim them and they only heal one or 2 targets, one of those being you , lol, 100% useless on a tank.
Secluded Grove and morphs are a noob trap, you really ought never to need that much healing from a ulti, you need to be using warhorn.
in conclusion, maybe one skill from this line is useful to me as a tank, the rest fall short. even on my full time healer, i only use one of them and that is not even for the heal itself, it is for the buff it provides my team. i have healed and tanked all the four man dungoens in the game on my warden as a tank and healer and beat them as a dps on my bow/bow stamden, you are greatly exaggerating the usefulness of the skill in this line.
Come play pvp and have these snb wardens just out heal/mitigate all your damage
First again, lol that you switch the subject once I explained my reasoning, from lol the heal skills to a specific niche case that really doesn't have to do with the op or my response.
Tell me what skills they are using from the green balance line. On my tank, I use all the winter embrace skills. Every single one is useful to a tank. Probably the biggest one I have seen people complain about in PvP is shimmering sheild. That skill alone shuts down a ton of damage, both from Stam toons in PvP and mag toons.
S/b is a huge factor in mitagation too, that skill line is great for tanking, obviously. So I am really not sure how a s/b warden is a any different from a templar using s/b or a dk using it outside of shimmering sheild.
My point here is polar wind could use a buff but I use it anyways because it is still the best guaranteed self heal a warden tank has. My secondary point is the green balance skill line is not that great from a healers prospective and is absolutely useless to a tank outside of a morph of one skill.
Uhhh.... op is comparing it to dragons blood. A busrt heal. I brought up the point that you have one. I guess that's not good enough for you. And this is combat mechanics so sorry that just saying "tank" wasn't enough, there are pvp tanks btw.
You're complaining about how you can't heal yourself properly on a tank because it dosent compare to dragons blood. That's is exactly what op is talking about. I just bring up the point that you have an entire skill tree based on heals. And plus that's what a frigging healer in pve is for.
You buff self heals EVEN MORE for warden and they will be completely broken pvp. And yes they use leeching vines, lotus flower, corrupting pollen, and the ultimate. Sometimes spores but normally Vigor instead. I'm not even going to get into the playstyle good wardens use because if you have ever pvp then you will know.
Actually what I'm (the op) is saying is that arctic wind and its morphs aren't sufficient to slot over other heals, and if the healing cannot be buffed then these abilities should be changed to something more beneficial for tanks.
That's because it's a heal over time, you compare it to dragons blood a burst heal..... your class already has a burst heal. If you want a more efficient burst heal, then rework the one you already have. I could say the same *** about malevolent offering for my magnb. It's not a oh *** save me heal, needs to be reworked.
Are you at all familiar with tanking? When does a tank ever need a heal over time? This ability is in the tanking tree for the class, but it is not useful for tanks. The only time a tank ever uses a heal on themselves is in an oh-sh!t situation where the healer can't do his job. A heal over time is not going to do you any good there.