Hmm... Out of combat. Perhaps a toggle system. 2 toggle options. 1. Hide your own pet, so you can fish, gather a node without that flapping thing blocking your interaction, screen shot, etc. 2. Hide other player pets if out of combat, so you can talk to that NPC. Once combat enables, the invisible pet phases in does its thing, then after combat, invisible again. From a programming side of thing. If PC goes in combat, pet is visible, continue loop till combat ends, pet vanishes. Reset loop. Next battle, loop starts again. Toggles would tell the engine if to show the texture skin of the pet, which makes it visible and interactable. 1. to show if you want to see your own pet out of combat. Yes or No 2. To show other players pets out of combat Yes or No. Might help a small bit with FPS lag in cities if you don't see other peoples pets flapping around, or blocking NPC's, or blocking your own actions (Fishing, screen shot) If you have a pet, out of combat, it would be programmed to be invisible, assuming ESO works like older games like Morrowind when I played with TES, this would remove the skin texture and all interaction. It would only appear, once combat was entered. At which, textures would appear. After battle, pet would go invisible again. Depending on your toggles, would not annoy you or other players.