We have costumes and we have the outfit station, however, sometimes you might just wanna run around in just a guild tabbard...you know...for guild events and stuff. Rather than taking the armour off and just equipping a tabbard....which will lead to insta-death depending on what you're doing...could we maybe get a 'Hide Armour' option, similar to 'hide helmet'. Would be cool.
And by 'hide armour' I mean, having the ability to hide each piece of gear by clicking on each piece and hiding it. So each gear slot has the option, just like helmets.
Edited by Castiel_Silvermist on March 11, 2018 2:13PM GM of The Order of the Stars
Castiel Silvermist -- Stamblade DPS (AD) Wood elf
Valokiloren -- Templar healer (AD) Dark elf
Vidia -- Mag Sorc (AD) Breton
'Hide Helmet', how about having a 'Hide Armour' feature. 92 votes
Yes! this needs to be a thing!
No. Just take your gear off.