Thx, I just hope they fix it. Because this home is everything I ever wanted. >.>Oh my. I keep hearing bad things about that place. Kinda happy I didn’t buy it. I hope you get your stuff, OP. But until then, I’d switch properties if I were you.
It appears so! Maybe he didn't like his statue. >.>Sithis takes them to the void just like his followers.
Well they are the best looking furniture out there. Way better than the imperial the home comes with furnished. ;-)I had no idea that Sithis is a fan of dunmer themed furniture
Keep praying to Sithis, he doesn't take your stuff too.Calderon06 wrote: »I've bought it.
I haven't notice yet any disapearence of furnishing
This is a graphics engine problem. I noticed it quite a while ago when using a large number of animated fire light sources; candles, braziers, et al.Incognitius wrote: »Several braziers, chandeliers, and scones that normally have fire are barely smoldering when I load a character:
I can fix this manually by putting this off, and then on again.
This is a graphics engine problem. I noticed it quite a while ago when using a large number of animated fire light sources; candles, braziers, et al.Incognitius wrote: »Several braziers, chandeliers, and scones that normally have fire are barely smoldering when I load a character:
I can fix this manually by putting this off, and then on again.
Apparently, once an unknown number of animated light sources are reached, the client graphics engine just decides not to render them.
You can attempt to force them to render by turning them off and back on again, but this is only a temporary, per-instance fix.
Its probably not a priority on their to-do list, but if its also not on a list of "Known issues", then they most likely dont know.
If they do know, then its almost certainly not a priority item for them.
You'll have to use static light sources and minimize the number of animated light sources.
Incognitius wrote: »Fires, such as braziers, sometimes get reduced to... a slow burn.
You don't get a proper fire out of them, until you unlit, and relit them. It's kind of a hassle when you've buried this braziers in the ground.
After doing some experimentation, I found the following might be the case, but we'd need a Z0$ dev to confirm it.If there is a correlation, then while the problem is still a limitation of the client engine itself, it can at least be mitigated to some extent. I do not know how many total animated light sources one could put into a home as objects before some of them stopped rendering, but I imagine it would probably be upwards of 300+.
- If you are on PC, try increasing the Maximum Particle Systems value above 1024.
- I performed three tests with this setting; one at max and one at minimum.
- With it at minimum, I successfully duplicated the issue with the Erstwhile Braziers that you posted, in addition to noticing that many candles were not visible.
- After raising the value to its maximum, all my previous animated lights; candles, torches, etc... that would not all render, did so without error.
Let me know if this was useful.
IwakuraLain42 wrote: »This just happened to me as well. I started decorating of the caves with the glassy archivments you can get from Molag Mag and noticed today a patch where one of these things were missing (the hole is very obvious). These things are quite expensive and I would hate to loose more ... guess I'll stop decorating the house for some time ....
Wow, I haven't had that happen yet. O_OBansidhe1965 wrote: »Yes,happened to me too,laid some stuff fron new furnishing pack out to check size etc.,logged off
Next day it was all clustered in one spot on the floor,weirdly just the small stuff,statues etc.were all fine.