Apache_Kid wrote: »The problem is that I'm sure they have a marketing team that studies all the data they have from sales and after a few years I bet that they have discovered that the current way they do things, limited time offers of a few days, net them the most sales, as inconvenient as it is for the player base. It puts pressure on the consumer which is what they want.
KiraTsukasa wrote: »They've ALWAYS had limited time items in the Crown Store, ESPECIALLY mounts, and some costumes. The only things that have NEVER been subjected to this are DLC, things like character slots, and consumables.
I completely agree. Unfortunately a lot of us aren't the type of players who can spend £75 mid-month on an in-game cave, haha. Legitimately how much the new house/cave costs...for 4 days. I know things probably won't change but one can hopeI love this game and would love to feel like I was more welcome there. Does that make sense?
I definitely agree with you though. I just wish the market was a little bigger.
Yeah, a month seems like a reasonable idea. That actually allows people who don't play this game obsessively to find nice things
I wonder how they can make more money on the 4 day window?I just wish the time frame was longer, maybe like 2 weeks, that way I wouldn't have to check in every couple of days to see if I want whatever item they have on sale
I like how these threads crop up to complain instead of taking that energy and hustling some side money with it if the crown store items really mean that much to you. But it takes far less effort to blame others.
And zone chat guy who was seriously debating between feeding himself and buying a digital doll house? No, that's his situation that he's avoiding. ZOS shouldn't feel ashamed about that at all. They're not responsible for the actions and consequences for how people live their lives and occupy their time.
Product development teams are not life coaches or even conscientious bartenders.
I get paid on the 15th of every month, so I suppose the world revolves around me.
But, I have a serious question: If you are living paycheck to paycheck and cannot afford microtransactions at certain times of the month, should you be buying them at all?
Apache_Kid wrote: »The problem is that I'm sure they have a marketing team that studies all the data they have from sales and after a few years I bet that they have discovered that the current way they do things, limited time offers of a few days, net them the most sales, as inconvenient as it is for the player base. It puts pressure on the consumer which is what they want.