You don't need to quit, just take a break and go play something else for a bit until there is an update or something.
Sometimes a break can help lots.
Anotherone773 wrote: »Anti grind. I dont do anything in a grindy way. I might run a couple of quest, then skyshard hunt, do a little gathering or fishing, maybe some stealing. Then the next day i might do a dungeon/pledge, some pvp, do writs, and update my trader. The next day i might do random stuff on my lowbie.
Grinding, IMO, makes a game boring quick. So i dont worry about fencing 140 items a day, doing my dailies every day, gear grinding, grinding skill lines, and other such things. I just do whatever, whenever. That way no content ever feels old or job like.
sheacummings wrote: »
This is how I've come to actually enjoy this type of game and not see it as a job lol. That's how WoW was for me... I had to go to work.
Now I just enjoy my time. I still level fast, but I do whatever tickles my fancy that evening... dungeons, questing, achievements, etc.
Things I find fun in ESO.
1: Making new friends.
2: Engaging in intellectual conversations in zone chat (No not trolling you. Just the other day, I actually had a refined conversation about alcohol, and why people drink the drinks they do. Such as because of it's flavor, or the way it goes with this food or this drink/mix, in Vvanderfel.)
3: Exploring the gorgeous maps. Seriously. If the real world were this gorgeous, I'd never go inside again.
4: Solo PvE. I love to chalenge myself to see just what I can get away with, without breaking rules, or dying constantly.
5: Group PvE. I enjoy doing dungeons with my friends.
6: Role Play. There's an AMAZING Role play community in this game and it can be found literally everywhere from guilds, to cities/towns, and even out in the wilderness.
7: PvP. I love the siege mechanics and how fun some of the large scale zerg v zerg battles can work out. Except for on the covered bridges. *** THOSE CHOKE POINTS!
8: Public Dungeons. These can be fun to do, as you're not required to wait for a group finder, zone chat LFG spam, or friends to be on. I've never had to wait long at all for random people to come through to farm them for loot, to get the completion, or to also farm sets in them.
9: Thieve's Guild. What can I say. It's ALWAYS held a special place in my heart.
10: Dark Brotherhood. Why take on humanoids in a drawn out fight, when I can sneak up on it, and end it in one swift animation that's bloody and awesome. Sounds bloody awesome to me!
11: The horrible puns I can make because of the guilds, races and other lore related things.
12: The Lusty Argonian Maid!
13: Finding out she's not really a maid, but a mage
14: Questing. Do I really need to explain that I love the lore tied to main and side quests?
15: The community. Seriously. The community in this game is fantastic, and probably my most favorite thing about Elder Scrolls Online. I've played World of Warcraft, Aion, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Guild Wars 2, Everquest 2, Neverwinter, Wildstar, Lineage II, and a few random free to play MMOs I can't recall the names of, right off the top of my head, and the only other game off this list, with an equally wonderful, friendly, and helpful community, was Guild Wars 2. The rest were filled with toxic trolls, who I spent many an hour wishing for them to stub their toes, and get the clap.
16: And this is actually the most important reason. Razum-Dar!
I enjoy making and playing oddball builds. Its sickening to me how most people will play some variation of the same dozen builds going around. I will spend weeks creating some niche build that is only really good for a very specific thing...and then re-speccing and doing it all over again. I have found without trying different builds constantly the gameplay gets fairly stale.
ParaNostram wrote: »
Oh sorry I guess I forgot to mention I was coming back from a break today and logged in and just almost immediately regretted that decision. Honestly I take lots of breaks.
2: Engaging in intellectual conversations in zone chat (No not trolling you. Just the other day, I actually had a refined conversation about alcohol, and why people drink the drinks they do. Such as because of it's flavor, or the way it goes with this food or this drink/mix, in Vvanderfel.)
I enjoy making and playing oddball builds. Its sickening to me how most people will play some variation of the same dozen builds going around. I will spend weeks creating some niche build that is only really good for a very specific thing...and then re-speccing and doing it all over again. I have found without trying different builds constantly the gameplay gets fairly stale.