South of Heaven is a multi-game community with an ESO group playing on PC/NA! We'd love to meet some new and veteran players looking for a smaller casual guild! Read on to find out more about who we are and whether we'd be a good fit for you.
Who is SoH?
We are a multi-game community with almost 15 years of history in the MMO world. We've done everything from super hardcore raiding and open world PvP to ultra casual fun running in nearly ever major MMO. Our average age is probably in the mid-thirties, and we have a relatively even mix of men and women gamers.
We strive to be all inclusive and welcoming, which I think shines through the most in our [code of conduct]( and our stance on the [five dirty words of gaming] (
Why Should You Play ESO with Us??
That's a great question! We are a great fit for anyone who:
- Wants to do group activities casually once or twice to a week - especially on the weekend! We're currently running one big group event on Saturday, alternating normal Trials and Cyrodiil PvP every week. We're especially interested in finding two or three more players who are interested in joining us for this Saturday group event regularly. All skill levels and character levels welcome! We finished Hel Ra this weekend with 10 people and a wide variety of player experience and character levels - I'm pretty proud of us! Definitely check us out if you're looking for a place to try Trials and PvP, but want to avoid the toxicity and negative experiences that can come with "the wrong group."
Note that we do have members from across North America, but we're most active during the East Coast prime time (8-11pm).
- Did I mention casual? We're definitely a casual guild, and we're a great fit for people who want to log in for scheduled events without any pressure to be online every night.
- Doesn't want to get lost in the crowd. We have around 15 active players right now, and we are looking to grow just a bit more. We'll never be too big to learn everyone's name! It's worth mentioning the flip side of being a small guild here too. We can't support round the clock action like a mega-guild, and the two events we mentioned above really our the extent of our major activity during the week. We definitely have pick up groups on other nights, but they aren't as regular as you would find in a larger guild.
- Wants to play with fun and interesting people! I think we're pretty fantastic, but I'm also more than a little biased
How to Contact Us
If you'd like to hear more about our guild or to talk to us about joining, please do one of the following:
- Post an introduction in the "Public Access" area of our forums ( We will ask you to do this before we send you an invite.
- You can also send me a PM here on forums or in game. I prefer chatting/PM here over the in-game messaging system (the mail and chat features in ESO are pretty terrible!), but you can look me up in-game too!
Look forward to talking to you soon!