Making mounts more

What would you guys think of kind of a mount passive, something small but would make the types of mounts a bit more unique.
Just throwing these out there but would dig to hear some cool suggestions and thoughts

So all would still be 60/60/60 but with something like:

Wolves: if group members have wolves, they'd get a temporary extra x% mount stamina for every wolf in the group (capped at 60)

Horses: Perhaps similar to wolves but with speed instead

Senche: Could have a small dodge chance, so a bit harder to hit while mounted

Guars / elks: Possibly have a smaller detection circle so would pull less aggression from mobs

Camels: ... I have no idea, spit could cause a (very) short stun :D or pauses the countdown timer on food/drink when mounted?

Bears: Could gain a small armour bonus while mounted
  • KeiruNicrom
    Such things might have happened in the original system but not as it is now. Too many mounts for crowns, not enough for gold. ZOS would need to add one of each type of mount buyable in game or else people would proclaim P2W all over the place.

    Nice ideas though
  • Slick_007
    Wraith66 wrote: »

    Horses: Perhaps similar to wolves but with speed instead

    already a skill for this
    Senche: Could have a small dodge chance, so a bit harder to hit while mounted

    Guars / elks: Possibly have a smaller detection circle so would pull less aggression from mobs

    already a skill for this

    Bears: Could gain a small armour bonus while mounted

    thats essentially what mount stam does. prevents you from being knocked off apart from the obvious effect.

  • GoonyGoat
    Slick_007 wrote: »

    already a skill for this
    already a skill for this

    thats essentially what mount stam does. prevents you from being knocked off apart from the obvious effect.

    lol this is very true ... I forgot the Alliance skills (Don't PVP much) :# Thanks for the info!
  • Sawzallz
    Would be a good idea if the mounts were around pay walls so p2w
  • smacky
    Some of this already exists. If you have Dark Brotherhood and level it up, there is a passive which halves the detection area or monsters while mounted. for example.
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