Woohoo, procs are back. Love them or hate them, think they are balanced or not. This isn't about that. This is about the way procs proc and the how they proc. I think that in general they are a decent idea towards spicing up gameplay by rewarding playstyles.
Procs are way too RNG based. Its lazy and doesn't really give a gratifying win. Oh, nice/darn, the dice rolled towards/against my favor. Nope. They should proc in a similar fashion to the effects they produce, or the playstyle they are based on rewarding. For example, zaan rewards staying close to the target, then it should proc on X melee attacks (or attacks with X range) on a target, instead of a lucky light attack. Something like skoria could be every 25th dot tick. 5s with 5 dots ticking.
Procs also provide what some people say is "free" damage. Or at least damage that they would otherwise not have for that build. To fix that we could possibly add scaling, maybe a damage proc would scale depending either the type of damage (fire = mag+spell) or just highest stats. This however may limit build diversity, but fixes the problem of some relying on procs for kills. It'd also weaken them in noCP where they stand out.
A few notes: Depending how difficult it is to proc the effects, cooldowns could be changed/removed. Allowing for better scaling against multiple targets. However this could pose an imbalance for PvE, where it may be too easy to repetitively proc the set bonuses. Critical damage could also be added to procs once again, since it would no longer be multiple RNG for one proc, but that may cause a power creep or unintended high heal/hits. Older proc sets like EG may benefit nicely from it, whereas newer ones like earthgore could get further overpowered.
MagDK main. PC/EU
Best houseknight EU.