The fact you try to rez somone in front of a stamplar or the health desync ?
Ahhhhh, theze stamblades
Health Desync. I wouldn’t have tried if I wasn’t at 100%. I also agree that it wasn’t a good time to Rez but it was his first bash. You always try at least once in front of someone. I couldn’t tell you how many rezes I got off right in front of someone’s face and got away with it. I do this in front of zergs man.
The health desync is almost exclusively coming from the jabs this patch. They broke them with last Monday's update. They introduced a bug that was spotted in Dragon Bones PTS and was fixed before live. A ZOS classic.
From the POV of the Templar, the jab's either don't cast/animate at all or it starts but stops half way and your skills are locked for half a second. The target's health desyncs and a couple of seconds later they drop dead. For the attacked the worst is when the animation does not start at all, since you can't see or hear jabs and your health does not move, you have absolutely no idea that you've just taken 6-7k damage to your HP.
If there's a Jabber in a fight, always assume you're not at full health and go defensive, until this bug gets fixed. Otherwise you'll explode.