RGvolterra wrote: »Ive become so disappointed to the way ZOS is playing around with the crown crate drops .. having to gamble for what we really want or need to complete a characters customisation is just appallingI’ve tried hardly to get the frosty horse which is a rare drop from this current crate but got nothing but frustration so I’m not playing their selfish game any longer ... I’ll just buy the minimum amount of crates in order to make enough gems to buy any wanted mounted and that’s it !!! SHAME ON ZOS
duendology wrote: »But you can already buy those mounts with gems... 400 each. o_0
Why would you want to buy them for 2000/4000????????? o_0
...at least give us the opportunity to buy those Mounts for a huge load of them.
2000 Gems? 3000 Gems? 4000 Gems?
All of those are better than not being able to buy them at all.
Spending thousands of Dollars for a CHANCE to get them is not really a sensible option.
LadyAstrum wrote: »
...at least give us the opportunity to buy those Mounts for a huge load of them.
2000 Gems? 3000 Gems? 4000 Gems?
All of those are better than not being able to buy them at all.
Spending thousands of Dollars for a CHANCE to get them is not really a sensible option.
But spending a high amount to buy thousands of gems to buy them is sensible?
A radiant apex mount shouldn't cost more than 400 gems.
duendology wrote: »Perhaps I am the wrong market target here to discuss this as I don't give a flying fork about this sort of ridiculous mounts.
.... "reasonable price"? and max 4000 gems is a reasonable price for you?
And I agree. this should cost no more than 400...if anything. Then again, I don't mind them being almost impossible to get. it makes this chase after those even more entertaining and insane to watch....to me at least.
duendology wrote: »But you can already buy those mounts with gems... 400 each. o_0
Why would you want to buy them for 2000/4000????????? o_0
So I read about them... and I am not the target audience regardless.
since you didn't know the difference between the mounts, you are most likely not the target audience.
personally, i do mind that these mounts can't be obtained with gems, but you don't seem to have seen any of the debates and threads here in the forum that discussed this topic.
I'm sorry but are you crazy? o.o 4000?! I think 400 is a lot. I only bought the horse. I think it is way to much money to put on crown crates and eventually crown gems up to 400. I prefer paying with crowns instead of gems. The average player who doesn't usually spend money or a lot of money in the store, cough me. Will sure as heck think it's crazy for mounts that cost 4000 gems. Not a fan of the chance process now, that any crate might give you a cool mount. But seems preferable.
LadyAstrum wrote: »
...at least give us the opportunity to buy those Mounts for a huge load of them.
2000 Gems? 3000 Gems? 4000 Gems?
All of those are better than not being able to buy them at all.
Spending thousands of Dollars for a CHANCE to get them is not really a sensible option.
But spending a high amount to buy thousands of gems to buy them is sensible?
A radiant apex mount shouldn't cost more than 400 gems.
radiant apex mounts are there to incentivize buying crates even though you have all the other stuff. they are a way to make money from the players that already spent high amounts of money, sitting on thousands of gems.
making it possible to buy them for high amounts of gems is more sensible than not being able to buy them at all.
400 gems would be way too low for ZOS to consider it.
i mean sure, you can want those mounts for 400 gems, or 1 gem, but it might be best to come up with reasonable prices that ZOS might actually consider.
Past examples: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/365819/im-disappointed-zos-rare-mounts/p1
Some people have spent quite a bit. :shrug: There apparently are people who collect everything in the crown store, and want to collect everything in the crates as well.
BloodWolfe wrote: »You people need to stop buying and supporting the crates and these shady practices. If nobody bought the crates ZO$ would have no choice but to put them on the crown shop instead of these gamble boxes. Just plain stupidity! Stop supporting this shady scam BS and they'll be forced to change.
I was all for supporting the game (I paid for ESO+ and purchased crown packs regulary) but will NEVER spend for these scam crates. I will only pay for what I know I am getting. People need to stop supporting these scam crates!