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Kill Loot Repeat ENDGAME PVE / RAID GUILD is recruiting experienced players

About us:

Kill Loot Repeat is a Endgame PVE / Raidguild.
We are currently at over 180 members.

Requirements for joining us:

We require experience in endgame pve (Craglorn HMS/vHoF / vMoL / vAS+1 ) and motivation to learn and improve.
For dds we want 37k+ dps selfbuffed (with ele drain for mag dds and with raidsetup for stam dds) (depending on class / cp it can vary)
Healer and tanks should have knowledge of their role and multiple possible gearsetups for endgame content avaliable.

How to apply:

Send an ingame mail to me (@mastoeb)

What to write in your application:

1. your main role
2. the experience you have in endgame pve (trials finished)
3. your selfbuffed dps if you play dd (and what class/spec you play)
Edited by mastoeb on May 10, 2018 11:13PM
  • mastoeb
    our current raiddays:

    Tuesday: Butterflies
    Wednesday: Pay2fail
    Thursday: Butterflies
    Saturday: Pay2fail

    raidtimes are 20:00 CET
    Edited by mastoeb on August 5, 2018 11:05AM
  • mastoeb
    runs and bossfights if ppl want to check it out before applying
  • mastoeb
    We are currently looking for MOTIVATED raidleaders/players intrested to help out in the guild

    Also Pay2fail Group is currently looking for 2 ranged dds and 1 healer
    (45k+ dps for dds) with the following experience:
    -Craglorn HMS
    -vMOL HM
    -vHoF HM
    -vAS +1/1

  • Kagura89
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