I'll be playing in pvp all night tonight and will put together a little highlight reel of this bug occurring to upload in this thread tomorrow.
Essentially what happens is you get cced, by any given cc, and upon performing the break free animation and being charged stamina, you continue to stand upright as if idle, but you are still unable to cast abilities, move, or do anything until the duration of whatever cc hit you expires. I noticed it most frequentley when being ccd on slanted or uneven surfaces, however it would also occur when ccd midair and sometimes when on a flat surface.
I'll see if I can recreate it with friends before getting open world examples, but it is NOT lag related and it IS a new bug introduced with dragonbones. It is not the classic "unbreakable cc" bug, as you are still charged stam and the actually cc animation ends, but you still remain in a locked state while appearing to be standing "idle".
Edited by React on March 1, 2018 5:27PM @ReactSlower - PC/NA - 2000+ CP
React Faster - XB/NA - 1500+ CP