I have finally gotten around to leveling up my Warden, as a magicka based build, of course. I must say that purely from an aesthetic point of view, I like everything about it. I of course went with a Dunmer for my Warden, so all the Fetcherfly swarm, Cliffracers and Shalks really fit the theme very well. I also like all the vines, and especially the fungus heal, and the lotis flower and all the custom animations. Now if you hadn't nerfed ice staff from a DPs weapon to a semi-useless tank weapon, my Warden would feel really awesome.
BUT, there is one element that feels completely wrong to me, and that's the bear ultimate. While the rest of the animal skill line has clearly been modeled on a Morowind theme, the bear doesn't fit there at all. Not only does the bear look kind of ugly, but it also sticks out like a sore thumb. Once I've leveled up the skill purely for completion, I will stick to the Ice ulti or Healing forest or maybe just Ice destro ulti.
I can't fathom why you didn't make it more fitting for the theme, such as a Nix Ox summon, a Kagouti or some other Vvardenfell appropriate beast to match all the other Morrowind themed summons. There are no bears on Vvardenfell, or in any Morrowind zone at all. I know it's far too late to hope anything will be changed around, or that we at least get an alternative summon form, but I wanted to throw the feedback out there anyway. If you do add more classes in the future, I hope you stick to the theme so the class feels overall cohesive. The current Warden feels like a sort of Frankenstein's jigsaw puzzle, with Dunmer animal summons, a bear that sticks out, and then a Winter/Frost skill line. I don't see any frost or snow on Vvardenfell, quite the opposite actually.