With the off balance nerf, my fear with my nightblade healer is that a lightning staff wouldn't provide nearly as much support as it could since it's only a 25% up time. Since chilled wasn't effected, could ice staff be a viable choice instead, since chilled weakens and slows groups of enemies?
I would preferably only heavy attack with a resto staff if i needed resource sustain, so I wouldn't take advantage of their taunting passive almost ever (but could choose to if needed, i suppose), and would use ice wall to weaken and slow groups of enemies, and apply that weakness to bosses as well. If I used a set like Mending i could further supplement that weakness using refreshing path.
I just don't know if it would be more effective to either keep that concussion effect for the team at times, or use a fire staff to apply more dps and speed up fights. Fire staff single target would also improve my funnel health heal/damage.
What do you guys think?