Seraphayel wrote: »What 2p sets are used by most healers?
Honest answer? None. Most healers use 2x 5 piece sets and 1x vMA Lightning Staff/Master Resto staff. If they don't have the staves yet, they usually use a 1 piece monster helm and a set staff.
Honest answer? None. Most healers use 2x 5 piece sets and 1x vMA Lightning Staff/Master Resto staff. If they don't have the staves yet, they usually use a 1 piece monster helm and a set staff.
OrdoHermetica wrote: »I use Infernal Guardian to help out with DPS a little - Healing Ward is fantastic and I use it regularly, and with Infernal Guardian's 50% proc chance every time you cast a damage shield, it procs a lot. Plus the extra Magicka is nice.
If I need to be in full-on heal mode, though, I go two five-piece sets. Which sets in particular depends on circumstances.
So this had me thinking.
What is you place your aoe on one bar with mending and orbs/mutgen on another for spc up time then might be able to pull it off since spc has a ten sec uptime. Same to be said with synergy set twlight remedy. Depending how you use it might be able do with stendarr. Hmm, another one is Laminas song would easy with ultimate usage. Same could be said with innventor guard and master artectect. Service support set has a 2 min effect length so easy have do with. So Overall it's possible might take extreme rototation, diminish effects in some cases or used situational.
Yeah, I'd find bar swap too unreliable for that, personally.
Narvuntien wrote: »It is definitely workable.. the SPC buff has a duration so you can trigger it and bar swap to reapply it whenever you need it.
People just have the special resto staffs and its better to just use them.
Atm I have 1 pc ice heart for crit % but I really don't know what random shoulder piece to use. Should I be using spell power or mag or mag regen instead?
My opinion is that Sentinel is probably the best option if you were to use one, straight healing isn't really that useful, earthgore is really good in some situations (PVP), I have seen peoples maths on troll king and people need to have high health regen before its useful that is more common in PVP. Free stamina to your allies is good i'd use Sentinel.
The change to shadowrend makes it less useful for healers (unless you want to get yourself hit deliberately) but I think its underrated overall.
It's not acceptable to some group of people to use them, but very popular at dungeon level. Though earthgore as been used in some vet trials for negating and help during burn phase. Back to dungeons earthgore, troll king and sometimes sentiental are popular. You will see others but proc chance or design is just bad.
Seraphayel wrote: »... does somebody have a full list or something like that? I tried to make one but I fear I missed out a bunch of sets in the end. My list contains:
Are there more? What 2p sets are used by most healers?
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »@TheDoomsdayMonster you really wear combat physician and chudan? the reason you run channled focus is for the 480 extra regen, not just the resists.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »
Yeah, I really run Chudan + Combat Physician and have completed all Vet 4 man content with that combo (I have no interest in running trials)...
It works great; you should try it...
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
I run bogdan on my temp and sentinel of rekugums on my warden and have done all the same content as you. You should try it.
TheDoomsdayMonster wrote: »
Naw, I'm good with Chudan + Combat Physician...
That combo suits my playstyle perfectly...
Lightspeedflashb14_ESO wrote: »
I run bogdan on my temp and sentinel of rekugums on my warden and have done all the same content as you. You should try it.