Ok you didn't read what I said so Ill try again.
Its one group of players using two alliances to field more players.
Its not team #1 talking to team #2 saying team #3 always wins lets work together against team #3 for now. its one group of players saying half of us log in team #1 the other half log in team #2 and we focus only on team #3.
Now in reality they may not have enough members to pop lock both team #1 and #2 but they do have enough people logging in to both teams essentially to get the rest to just go with it.
You are essentially with open alliances allowing one group of players to field twice the numbers against a smaller group.
I'm not sure how I can word this any more clear than that (truly not trying to be rude).
VaranisArano wrote: »
I understand your situation, and it certainly seems against the design and intention of Cyrodiil, but I'm not certain that its against the rules of the game.
disintegr8 wrote: »I have been on AD in Kyne this week and had one occasion where an AD and EP were standing on the wall of our keep ignoring each other. When other AD attacked, including myself, the AD just stood there and watched. When we did kill the EP, he simply came back to the keep and his AD friend made it easy for him to get back on the wall (NB skills).
after a couple of years of fighting more or less the same people at the same spots over and over again - i don't normally get too bothered by what people do in cyrodiil anymore...
that kind of stuff though wherein opposing faction players are teaming up around keeps/outposts drives me nuts...it's like really - can you not *** up the game any more than it already is...
But its not opposing factions teaming up, its one group of players who are splitting up their numbers between the two factions to gain this advantage. I would totally understand where two factions would halt attacks between them selves to stop the third faction from getting emperor or completely dominating the map.
sorry not trying to nit pick words I just want to make sure folks understand what I'm trying to point out. I might not be explaining it very well I guess.
We dont understand cos it doesnt really make sense.
Whats different between 2 factions teaming on the third to your Statement?
In fact they would have more advantage if the group didnt Split up in 2 different factions cos friendly fire.
The only thing thats different is to what population cap they count. And even then what is the difference zo 2 factions wotking together?
Well as an EP-faithful player (I don't even have a Yellow or Blue character) I can say things aren't always as they seem in Cyrodiil. EP constantly moans about the "Green Alliance" but it's really not a big factor. This campaign is very competitive (Score is quite close) and while there are plenty of faction-hoppers on all sides, I see little evidence of, for example, a guild putting players on two factions at once to push the third faction. If I'm honest, I think many "guilds" on PS4 NA PvP have been decimated and most have very few regulars left.
As a solo EP stamblade, my travels often take me to the opposite side of the map, where I watch in stealth as DC and AD fight hard with each other. That activity destroys most "green alliance" conspiracy theories I see in EP chat. OP, if you hang out near BRK, Sej or Alessia you'll see AD and EP constantly battling. I can't say you're incorrect, but it may not be as bad as it feels.
PS4 NA server Vivic.
Did the developers intend for an alliance that is large enough too field enough members to fill both AD and EP alliance at the same time (or at least enough) to work as one team? I know the developers have commented in the past this should not be happening but I guess there is no stopping it. It seems like a few regular crowns get upset if there side is not winning so they resort to locking up two alliances (always AD and EP on PS4 NA) or at least fielding enough players in two alliances to effectively out number DC 2 to 1. I don't believe this is a valid tactic because its essentially allowing the one group of players to defeat the player cap (exploit???) and bring up to twice the numbers to a fight. So if each alliance can bring in 100 (I don't know what the player cap is its just an example) people... well this team has the potential to field up to 200 members against a team with only 100 members, they predetermine one color will be first and what color will be second place.
Zenimax has said no alliance should be working with the other and to be clear this is one group of people logging in to two separate alliances with the intent of working as one team. should Zenimax just take out the 3 teams and just make it two teams to keep this from happening or should the alliance lock be put in place? pick your color and all your char. are locked in until the campaign is complete? The above could still happen with alliance lock but it would at least be harder to constantly work as one team.
last I couldn't give two [snip] who wins or looses as there really is not much left in this game worth anything as broke as it is and cyrodiil really is just killing time for me until game I'm waiting for is released but every now and then there can be some good fights but never when this crap is happening.
Solutions other than insults, alliance lock or reducing it to two teams?
[Edited to remove profanity]
I haven't seen anything of that magnitude, but what I have seen is inappropriate. I have seen a group of 12 from faction A and a group of 12 from faction B camp a resource in faction C. Faction A will hole up in the resource tower while faction B flips it. Once flipped B will run into the tower while A comes out to flip it, rinse and repeat. If faction C comes along to try and take the resource both groups will fight together to fend them off.
I read what you said.
Its not factions working together, but one group splitting themselves on 2 alliances.
And i still don't see the difference.
I highly doubt there is a group large enough on any server to fill up one whole alliance pop. So if they theoretically split up on 2 factions, they kill themselves in big fights.
Stacking themselves on one faction siunds like a better idea for me.
But i guess you are just talking bs, and its just 2 factions or guilds working together to push the third back where they belong
PS4 NA server Vivic.
Did the developers intend for an alliance that is large enough too field enough members to fill both AD and EP alliance at the same time (or at least enough) to work as one team? I know the developers have commented in the past this should not be happening but I guess there is no stopping it. It seems like a few regular crowns get upset if there side is not winning so they resort to locking up two alliances (always AD and EP on PS4 NA) or at least fielding enough players in two alliances to effectively out number DC 2 to 1. I don't believe this is a valid tactic because its essentially allowing the one group of players to defeat the player cap (exploit???) and bring up to twice the numbers to a fight. So if each alliance can bring in 100 (I don't know what the player cap is its just an example) people... well this team has the potential to field up to 200 members against a team with only 100 members, they predetermine one color will be first and what color will be second place.
Zenimax has said no alliance should be working with the other and to be clear this is one group of people logging in to two separate alliances with the intent of working as one team. should Zenimax just take out the 3 teams and just make it two teams to keep this from happening or should the alliance lock be put in place? pick your color and all your char. are locked in until the campaign is complete? The above could still happen with alliance lock but it would at least be harder to constantly work as one team.
last I couldn't give two [snip] who wins or looses as there really is not much left in this game worth anything as broke as it is and cyrodiil really is just killing time for me until game I'm waiting for is released but every now and then there can be some good fights but never when this crap is happening.
Solutions other than insults, alliance lock or reducing it to two teams?
[Edited to remove profanity]
ShadowMonarch wrote: »
Get used to it lol, we had a entire campaign of EP and DC fighting literally side by side in the same keeps vs AD doign the same thing then next campaign when we stomped them they complained about Gate Camping rofl.
You need to go play Planetside 2 and study some tactics