Client crashing in trials and getting booted to login screen with error 307

I'm mostly reporting these problems here so if other people are having them, they'll at least know they're not alone. I'll be debugged a lot of this myself over the next few days I suspect to see if it's on my end or not.

This started happening yesterday, February 22. I got invited by my raid leader to join a party for MoL. I joined the group successfully, but as soon as the window popped up asking me if I'd like to teleport to his location (Maw of Lorkhaj) my entire computer crashed without an error - it just froze up completely. Only fix was to hard cycle the machine. I tried logging back in, but the client kept "not responding" while my character tried to load in. I could not force close the application, but at least this time Windows hadn't locked up altogether. I tried this once more with the same result.

I tried logging into another character, and was able to do so successfully. However, as soon as I accepted the group invitation to MoL again, my entire PC froze up as the travel-to-leader dialog popped up. Hard cycle was once again the only thing that fixed it. Raid team decided to find another DPS. So, I got to feel really small and waste almost 20 minutes of their time.

Today, a similar situation - got invited by raid leader to MoL. This time, I was able to accept the teleport-to-leader dialog. While loading in, I heard the dialogue for the raid quest share pop, but at that moment, my PC froze entirely again. Hard cycle was the only solution. Had to do this two more times before I was able to load in, at which point my ping skyrocketed between 500-800ms from its usual 130-150ms. But hey, at least I got to actually participate in my guild event this time.

I made it all the way to the first encounter after the Twins. Once the last mob of the last wave was killed, my client froze up and crashed with no error. Task manager reported that it was "not responding" and trying to use 30% of my PC's CPU regardless. I could not force close the application. I was finally able to log back in after removing all my addons. I'm not sure if this was the fix or merely a coincidence, because as soon as we killed Rahhkat, I turned the quest in and was immediately booted to the login screen with "Error 307: Booted from server." Subsequent login attempts failed with the same error except one random time, when the error changed to "Unable to log in. Try again in a few minutes or contact support if the problem persists." I was unable to log back in for almost 20 minutes. No explanation as to why.

It may be worth noting that I run the game on Ultra High settings and have never had this issue, and even since having it, the game runs fine except for the situations above. Dungeons and overland content do not seem to be affected.

Windows 8.1, 64-bit
Nvidia GeForce GTX 980 Ti
Intel i7-4790k @ 4 GHz

I've tried updating my graphics drivers and am currently updating my DirectX and C++ Redistributable package to see if that helps. The thing that irritates me that most is that this scenario is not easily reproducable. I'm not able to waste the time of 11 other people to see if I might be able to raid or not.

If an addon is causing this issue, I wish someone would give me a hint as to which one it could be if they've encountered this issue before. The only addon I've installed in the past two days has been Rollcall. I doubt that's causing it, but who knows. The journey continues. Fun.
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