He can, you can leave your chest slot empty. Sure, it won't be very effective, but that's how in real battle things would be.
Plus how else am I supposed to see my body markings?
Some players just want their characters to look like a crazy person in their underwear that are surprisingly effective in combat
And nords are supposed to be pantless!
There should be an option to hide ANY piece in the outfit menu...Not just the helm. I'm sure there are a few Khajit out there that hate having their feet wrapped in leather. How are they supposed to climb trees with those things on our feet.
MLGProPlayer wrote: »The only alternative right now is the Minotaur style, but the giant crotch flap on it looks awful.
at least a hide chest would make this viable for you
At this point, costumes and short-cut tops are about as close as a hide chest would get me
"my crazy skooma addict wants to run around in her underwear"
is prolly about as 'mursive as "I'm role-playing a barbarian!!!"SpoilerJust one is under the watch of the Thief
while the other is handled by the Warrior
let's use arguments about Alteration magic to bring this full-circle for Mage players while we are here