SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Express critical hit chance in percentage instead of arbitrary numbers that we have to convert to percentage to understand (on gear and on character sheet).
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Express PvP crit resistance as a percentage instead of arbitrary numbers that we have to convert to percentage to understand (on gear and on character sheet).
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Express armor values as a percentage instead of arbitrary numbers that we have to convert to percentage to understand (on gear and on character sheet).
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Express penetration as a percentage instead of arbitrary numbers that we have to convert to percentage to understand (on gear and on character sheet).
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Add CHDM (critical hit damage modifier, the extra bonus damage a critical hit does) to the character sheet.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Add weapon and spell penetration to the character sheet.
At the very least, if you don't want to use percentages because they aren't granular enough, then be sensible and multiply by 10 instead of using arbitrary numbers.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Inventory Maintenance
- Give items like racial motif books and treasure maps a sell value so we can more easily get rid of them for a tiny bit of gold without destroying them.
- Move tabards out of inventory to collections. Let us hide the tabard while still displaying our guild name.
- Remove unsellable items from the sell-to-merchant window.
starkerealm wrote: »The problem with this is that crit resistance is not percentage based at all. It's subtracted from the target's crit chance directly.
starkerealm wrote: »This isn't how penetration works.
starkerealm wrote: »Crit severity isn't a commonly manipulated stat
starkerealm wrote: »Yeah, I've got an addon that does this. It's nice to have.
starkerealm wrote: »You can always give them away. If you're going to destroy them anyway. There's always a bunch of newbies running around. Also, and I realize this may sound weird, but there is a market for treasure maps.
barbarian340 wrote: »make bow builds competitive...
NewBlacksmurf wrote: »It’s a bit complicated to me. Just my opinion tho doesn’t make your ideas bad.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »This isn't how penetration works.
I know precisely how it works and there are no barriers to expressing these values in percentages. If you have 12% penetration (7920) against an enemy player with 40% armor-based mitigation (26,400) then that enemy is only mitigating 28% of your damage. This can easily be expressed as a percentage. It makes no difference that players with excess mitigation won't suffer the effects until you strip off their excess. That in no way affects the usefulness of displaying percentages instead of arbitrary values.
starkerealm wrote: »Then what should it display?
Really. What?
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Then what should it display?
Really. What?
This is really very simple. It would just display the amount of weapon/spell penetration the player has. That's it. 12%, in the example given. Whether that 12% is useful of not on a particular enemy is not relevant for the purposes of showing basic stats on a character sheet. It only comes into play when attacking each particular enemy. How is this confusing you?
12% pen is 12% pen, period. Maybe only 6% works on that guy over there. So what? The character sheet is about what the player has, not how the player's stats translate into result on every possible target.
I'm onboard with putting more info on the character sheet, and having more of it be straightforward values us non-math-wizards can understand at a glance.
I've spent more time studying how things work in this game than the heavy machinery I use at work. And some of those machines can end lives or claim limbs. Maybe I should revaluate my priorities, come to think of it...
Penetration doesn't work like you think it does, it seems.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Penetration doesn't work like you think it does, it seems.
Don't embarrass yourself. I know precisely what the formulas are and how they work. I am arguing to make the interface more user-friendly in how it communicates that information to the user. Flat penetration negates opponent armor through simple subtraction. Its usefulness varies depending on the values involved (overpen results in 0 armor and no further benefit, and armor values above the cap must be reduced to the cap before penetration "counts"), but there are specific values involved which can be displayed and carry information for users who actually understand the numbers. If you don't, then this conversation isn't meant for you.
Embarrassing myself is one of the primary ways I learn things!
Not trying to be hostile here, and maybe I am just missing something really basic, but...
How do you display something as a percent when everyone's armor values are different?
If I have 12,623 penetration, and my targets have 12k, 18k, 23k, and 48k resists... what's my percent that should be displayed, then?
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Penetration doesn't work like you think it does, it seems.
Don't embarrass yourself. I know precisely what the formulas are and how they work. I am arguing to make the interface more user-friendly in how it communicates that information to the user. Flat penetration negates opponent armor through simple subtraction. Its usefulness varies depending on the values involved (overpen results in 0 armor and no further benefit, and armor values above the cap must be reduced to the cap before penetration "counts"), but there are specific values involved which can be displayed and carry information for users who actually understand the numbers. If you don't, then this conversation isn't meant for you.
A percentage value would not only depend on the target you attack (Mobs 500 Resistances = 1% / Players in CP Campaigns 660 Resistances = 1%)
and its current buffs (resistance, damage decrease) but also on the skill you use, because different skills have a different level of penetration (e.g. WoE, Oblivion Damage Enchant, specific damage types in PvE and PvP).
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »Then what should it display?
Really. What?
This is really very simple. It would just display the amount of weapon/spell penetration the player has. That's it.
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »72% mitigation (which would be on his character sheet).
starkerealm wrote: »This is really very simple. It would just display the amount of weapon/spell penetration the player has. That's it.
That's what it does. Displaying at a percent would not provide the user with any meaningful information, because of how penetration works.
If ESO had been built off a percentage penetration system, where your pen stat bypassed their mitigation by that percentage, then yes, a percentage number back would be useful information. However, it does not. It subtracts from their mitigation, which means that percentage numbers would never be useful.
starkerealm wrote: »You should never tell the player that they have more mitigation than is possible.
starkerealm wrote: »
And, this is the other problem. You should never tell the player that they have more mitigation than is possible. At best, resistance stats should probably come with the percentage mitigation in parenthesis after the value, but that value should never exceed the hard cap, which you just did, in your example, by 22%. That will result in players looking at the numbers coming back and deciding that the information they're getting is invalid.
But if you get 40k resistances then the char sheet will show 40k resistances. Isnt that the exact same thing?
starkerealm wrote: »
And, this is the other problem. You should never tell the player that they have more mitigation than is possible. At best, resistance stats should probably come with the percentage mitigation in parenthesis after the value, but that value should never exceed the hard cap, which you just did, in your example, by 22%. That will result in players looking at the numbers coming back and deciding that the information they're getting is invalid.
But if you get 40k resistances then the char sheet will show 40k resistances. Isnt that the exact same thing?
SidewalkChalk5 wrote: »Some of you may recall, this is how armor values were displayed in Oblivion. It's a simple percentage, and it works perfectly. ESO could multiply by 10 or 100 (or just show a decimal place or two) if they want more granularity, but the point is that the numbers need to be easily understandable for the end user.
starkerealm wrote: »starkerealm wrote: »
And, this is the other problem. You should never tell the player that they have more mitigation than is possible. At best, resistance stats should probably come with the percentage mitigation in parenthesis after the value, but that value should never exceed the hard cap, which you just did, in your example, by 22%. That will result in players looking at the numbers coming back and deciding that the information they're getting is invalid.
But if you get 40k resistances then the char sheet will show 40k resistances. Isnt that the exact same thing?
Not as such. Ironically for the exact reason that @SidewalkChalk5 wants to see it change.
When you see 40k Resistance on your character sheet, that isn't quite the same as reading a percentage mitigation. The reason is that, simply put, if you do the reading to find out how much mitigation 40k will give you, you'll learn the cap is 50%. Otherwise, it doesn't outright lie to you and say you're resisting more damage than you actually are, the way it would if it said you were negating 72%.
I think the point the OP was setting out to make is well-illustrated in this thread; the way ZOS has numbers working now gets confusing and convoluted pretty quick, and that's for people who bother looking into this stuff in the first place!
A simpler approach would be good for everybody, if one could be figured out that works for everyone. I'm sure part of the reason to deal with numbers so much is they're the only universal language. English alone gets tangled up pretty quick just among native speakers, let alone the world over.