Clarify XP Issue for Returning Player

Ok so perhaps someone can clarify what exactly this bug is so as to avoid it. I redownloaded ESO yesterday as I have been toying with getting back into ESO again over the past few weeks. I usually test some new builds out before I try to make a new serious build and only like to play ESO as a single player rpg. So I will make a handlful of new characters and try out different class and weapon combis in the starting islands before Morrowind expansion before deleting them all to make a singe character to play seriously. I do not want to do anything that will get me excessive xp as that would not be fun for me nor do I want to be banned for something I could have avoided.

I play on xbox and I read the ban was for 276 pc players so I do not even know if this is a problem for console players but I figured it would be safer to ask and the only partial explanation I saw referred to it being in the Imperial City. If that is the case then no worries for me since I do not play PvP. Any information would be appreciated.
Xbox One NA
  • ValkynSketha
    It was with the release of dragon bones dlc, where you could kill 1mob in imperial city and get like 1.5m exp, the bug was fixed so no worries.
  • LordGavus
    You don't need to worry about the xp bug.
    Best advice is if you get over 1 million xp for killing one mob, report it as soon as you realise.
  • Turelus
    As already said the bug was fixed so you shouldn't have issues.

    As long as you're somewhat aware of what's happening around you then you shouldn't have issues. If you ever come to a situation which doesn't seem right then your best bet is to bug report it and submit a ticket to clarify if it's an exploit.

    Most bugs which get noted as exploits are not easy to do by mistake or very easy to notice that it's giving out more than it should.
    Edited by Turelus on February 20, 2018 11:39AM
    @Turelus - EU PC Megaserver
    "Don't count on others for help. In the end each of us is in this alone. The survivors are those who know how to look out for themselves."
  • Delta1038
    Well I am happy to mnow it has been fixed, would not want to earn more than was deserved. I enjoy the satisfaction of a good level up earned so the idea of a bug giving me more is kind of annoying to me. I do try to remain aware at all times but sometimes when I am doing my test builds I am less diligent and end up watching stuff on my computer while I play in a sort of auto pilot mode. Well I appreciate the information, again glad that it is cleared up. Probably would never have known about it anyway as I have gone to cyrodiil maybe a half dozen times since ESO was first released and think I only ever got into the actual city once but left as I was just poking about solo. Thank you guys again, will be happily making some new builds today to play about with and not fretting about the bug.
    Xbox One NA
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