Is the outfit station having issues for anyone else?

So, under "C" i have no outfit selected. i have no polymorph and no costume on. i go to the Outfitstation and select outfit 1. i preview my selection, set it up. Accept and pay my fee......and the outfit disappears from preview. i back out of the station and the outfit is there as i last saw it. With me so far? no i use the outfit station again and it should show the outfit i have on, right?It's there as it should be....i select no outfit though...and the preview stays on outfit 1. i leave the station and yup, no outfit on. This is only since today's patch. its happening on all my characters and every friend I've asked to try.
NA EP CP1200+
Original: Mag/Templar Erestem Nightblossom (Tank/Healer Hybrid, Alchemist, general nuisance)
Alt's? at this many to play, so little time!

**RED or DEAD** Long Live EP!

Leather Lace- GM, ESO Grand Designs GM, Ankle Biter for Lone Wolf United, CO-GM of Tower of Wayreth,
Master Furnisher & Housing fanatic, PvP junkie
Beta Tester, part of the 2013 Club
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