My ESO so far has been running pretty terrible with really unstable frame rates. My frame rates shoot up to 60 and drop down as low as 25, it fluctuates a lot and just standing on one location can make it shoot up and down.
So far this really ruins the immersion for me as my frame rate is skyrocketing up and down and it just looks really choppy. The hardware on my PC is high end and should be a lot more stable than this, hoping I can get help with resolving this.
I have also gone ahead and taken advantage of many of the ESO optimization guides which has helped but still feels unsatisfactory.
So far the only thing that improves my frame rate is turning the draw distance down to 0 and the particle effects low as well, this does not make sense when I am playing games that are far more graphically demanding such as black desert with no frame rate issues at all.
Hopefully there is a fix that does not comprimise to much on graphical quality but solves the instability and what feels like memory leaks.
*Note this is with all mods disabled.