So i was playing eso today for hours...went to the bathroom, came back, logged back in - gamepad wasn't working any more...hmmm weird, worked all day without problem - used mouse / keyboard to check - gamepad mode still on, okay, relogged..still not working, restarted the game, still not working...thought ok, let's try restarting the my bluetooth keyboard and mouse aren't working reacting either anymore...can't control the pc... though okay, bluetooth issue it seems - let's get my emergency-cable mouse that i have for the purposes - plug it into usb - it isn't working either...tried other usb ports, restarted a couple times - NOPE - no peripharel is working anymore regardless if bluetooth or plugged in - never ever seen this issue in the past...
and im not talking not working in ESO anymore - not working AT ALL - even the plugged in mouse doesn't work in windows (and all my peripharels are microsoft as well)
So since the stuff is "lighting up" when plugging it into the USB ports it can't be that...and it's also not specific usb ports cause all aren't working nore is bluetooth...
So what other explanation is there? That all the drivers stopped working at the same time?
How can i possibly fix or investigate this if i can't use any mouse or keyboard?