So just went through vICP, or attempted too, and it is glitching so bad that it is uncompletable. First major issue was that characters were randomly glitching and unable to move and stayed that way unless a person logged out and logged back on, or died and was resurrected. On the last boss we noticed the most issues. Portals were not being spawned at all causing the a whole group wipe, or only one portal one spawn. We were not racing the boss at all either, so I know it wasn't because we DPSed the boss down to suddenly skip the portals and go to the blast. The second major issue we had were the meteors were spawning right behind one another with no break in between and following a character around. I'm not sure if this is a new mechanic or what but it was impossible to break CC because there wasn't even a 1second break inbetween the meteors falling. Our DK noticed that when he used a CC immune spell to try and rez the boss and other mechanics would ignore this and he'd continue to be CCed despite popping a CC immune ultimate or ability. The boss also spawned multiple orbs right behind one another. I don't think I've ever seen more than 5 orbs on vICPand 7 on Hard Mode.. we were on non hardmode after the 9th wipe and there were 9 orbs up. Not sure if this is a new mechanic or not either.
If anyone one else is having issues with this would love to know, or if some of this was a mechanical change to the dungeon. This is one of my favorite dungeons to do on hardmode.