Guild Traders - Simple way ESO could make the existing ones cheaper and more available.

Soul Shriven
Simply needs repeating... When a guild disbands, do not make any trader they have available again, until next Sunday's hiring iteration. This:

-- eliminates the incentive for sleazy shadow guilds to lock down traders, and to try reselling them at a profit,
-- thus leaving more traders available for real guilds to hire, cutting out the middlemen.
-- reduces total trader prices by eliminating the parasite's profit.
-- increases guild and player satisfaction.
-- increases the supply of goods for sale, since the shadow guilds offer little/no inventory.
-- would be very easy to implement.

I don't claim it's a new idea. But if it makes sense to you, give me a +1 and let's remind ESO.

[Sigmund Freud's correct ideas mostly recapitulated ancient Greeks. But Freud still is famous legitimately, even just for his re-popularizing of things such as the subconscious and multiple parallel mental processes.]
  • VaranisArano
    I'm not sure what Freud has to do with it.

    An alternative might be that any guild that has a trader cannot disband. Therefore, if you grab a trader on your middleman, you are stuck with it. For any legitimate guild that needs to disband, its a simple thing to not pick up a guild trader the next week.

  • TrinityWells
    Soul Shriven
    VaranisArano echoes ChildOfLight from 3/2017: "guilds winning a bid, can't disband during that week." As I am echoing Anne13 and probably others. But just maybe if we KEEP this old situation in front of Zenimax, eventually they will notice the concerns. It certainly isn't making young guilds and players happy.

    In related threads...

    BrightOblivion eventually makes the points that:
    -- it's shady but not against the rules
    -- lock the trader on guild disband... you're just going to have shadow guilds buying up spots and leaving them fallow to eliminate competition

    My replies: it's easy to change these rules. And groups could buy traders to eliminate competition NOW. But most such shadows are also for sale currently. Eliminating at least one of the sleazy legs would be a good start.

    Karm1cOne's thought: "Winning guild that disbands goes to the next highest bidder. That would force real bids. And prevent some of the shady practices."

    Various others... that a guild can't bid until it is a certain age, and/or has a certain number of members (50, 200, etc)

    has two other ref's, and

    alexkdd99: nobody cares. If a guild wants to throw extra gold around then so be it, it's theirs to do so with.

    Anne13 "Learn the definition of 'exploit'. Learn [think] how the trader system was intended to work. Surely people can't condone this."

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