Stamina costs of things like dodge roll?

Console player here. I was wondering what the costs of these are:

- Block
- Dodge roll
- Break free
- Sprint

Thank you!
  • LordSemaj
    - A lot
    - A hell of a lot
    - More than you have
    - Not much
  • PlagueSD
    LordSemaj wrote: »
    - A lot
    - A hell of a lot
    - More than you have
    - Not much

    Depending on your gear that can also be:

    - not as much
    - none
    - still a lot
    - very little
  • GoodFella146
    Can we get a useful answer?
  • PlagueSD
    Nope, because ZOS doesn't provide exact cost numbers for things like block, dodgeroll, breakfree, or sprint. We're not able to figure it out.
  • Lysette
    The costs for these actions vary greatly dependent on your gear traits, special sets, which reduce these costs, and such. Best is to test it out so that you get a feeling for how much your stamina is effected and eventually balance it out with food and beverages or special jewelry traits - either reducing those costs or strenghening stamina recovery. At least that is what I do.
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