Dyeing armor now costs gold?

As the title says does it now actually cost gold to simply dye your armor?
  • AzraelKrieg
    Only for outfits. Dying armour normally and not creating an outfit is still free.
    Gold Dragons Guildmaster PC-NACR2000+
    Kalthar Wolf-Brother – EP Templar - 50 Maeli Valen - EP NB - 50Naps-During-Trials – EP Templar - 50Rulnakh - EP Sorc - 50Azrael Krieg - EP NB – 50Uvithasa Telvanni – EP DK – 50More-Tail - EP Warden - 50Narile Galen - EP Sorc - 50Bone Soldier - EP Necro - 50Naps-During-Trails - EP Necro - 50
  • Iccotak
    Only for outfits. Dying armour normally and not creating an outfit is still free.

    Dying your actual gear is still free.
    Dying your outfit (Which is a custom costume) costs gold
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    Strange. I went to dye station to dye my crafted armor and I noticed just before I hit apply that there was a 4100 gold cost. Not an outfit, but simple crafted armor
  • Tasear
    Strange. I went to dye station to dye my crafted armor and I noticed just before I hit apply that there was a 4100 gold cost. Not an outfit, but simple crafted armor

    Confirm you are looking at no outfit section.
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    Thx for the feedback. I did not notice the drop down that said outfit even though I was not wearing an outfit. Switched the drop down to no outfit and there was no gold cost
  • Serasyn
    Soul Shriven
    I have a HUGE issue with this....as many I have chatted with in game do as well....
    I have the collectors editions of both Morrowind and Imperial Edition. With those, among other extra's came the ability to change your armor and weapon style "on the fly" to Imperial or Morag Tong by right clicking on the armor or weapon piece from your player inventory screen and selecting "convert to Imperial style". Now when you click this it says that you have to go to the outfitter station.. okay a BIG inconvenience but I will deal with it...so I go to a station. When you go to the outfitter station it does not allow you to change the armor style on your active armor set to any other style at all, instead you have to use a very important/costly "outfit slot" and create an outfit (that cost 1500 crowns if you want more than 1). Now, it was free for me to switch styles to any of the 4 Imperial styles or Morag Tong (which means they know I have the collectors editions and both sets are free for me to switch to) HOWEVER when you dye it the color of all the other armor you are wearing it DOES cost to dye it. Plus you have to use the outfit slot and no longer have the ability to change your active armor to either of the two styles.
    Basically they are ripping off the people that have the collectors editions and once had the ability to change to these 2 armor styles, back and forth as many times as they liked (seeing how each piece looked), then dye it...all for free...now none of that is possible??? How can they take something away that tons of people paid cash money for and was a reason they purchased the collectors edition in the first place? This was and is stated as something you get when you buy the collectors editions.... is this being fixed? GINA BRUNO or someone please....
  • Stinkyremy
    Serasyn wrote: »
    Basically they are ripping off the people

    Well now you know how most of us feel when we subbed to the game, bought the game because it was a sub model (which does a bit of a job of keeping the cancer at bay) for them to then turn around and take the sub model away, let (more) cancer in and give us a few in game store currency trinkets as a consolation prize
  • VaranisArano
    To freely dye your equipped gear, make sure you are on the "No Outfit" selection at the Outfitting station. If you are on that screen, there is no option to dye weapons and no gold counter underneath the slots.
  • Serasyn
    Soul Shriven
    To freely dye your equipped gear, make sure you are on the "No Outfit" selection at the Outfitting station. If you are on that screen, there is no option to dye weapons and no gold counter underneath the slots.

    thanks - ya I tried that. What I mean is lets say I have changed all my armor to Imperial (like I had it) then i get a new helm drop which is primal...i go to outfitter station and there is an option to make that help Imperial but it now makes you do it as an "outfit1" not just standard armor. So then when you make the primal head an imperial head (for free just like before) it then costs to dye it since it considers it an outfit. They either overlooked this or dont care that we now would have to pay like over 3000g each time we want to dye armor and weapons after we change them to Imperial or Morag Tong style......dyeing that was free before. Now the only way it is free is if the armor im dying is ALREADY Imperial...in other words there is no way to change "armor" for free - only "outfits"
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Exactly...I’m trying to figure out what type of ticket to open on it. Cause the developers are basically changing things to make preorder benefits worth-less or cumbersome
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Glimmer50
    I agree. I don't like paying gold to dye armor that used to be free. This HAS to be a bug right?
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Glimmer50 wrote: »
    I agree. I don't like paying gold to dye armor that used to be free. This HAS to be a bug right?

    @Glimmer50 not a bug, just some more ZOS junk that should raise two eyebrows for many of us.

    Raise eyebrows again for the umpteenth time since the addition of the crown store and then the Morrowind dlc outside of eso plus and crowns.
    Edited by NewBlacksmurf on February 16, 2018 12:46AM
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Glimmer50
    This really does aggravate me because I changed all my armor to the FREE Morag Tong and then tried to dye it and it costs gold. This really needs to be fixed. I am putting this here because I don't think I was clear in my previous post about the issue.

    Definitely an eyebrow raiser for sure.
  • klowdy1
    We really didn't need this thread again. There has been two a day (at least) since Monday.
  • Slick_007
    Serasyn wrote: »
    Basically they are ripping off the people that have the collectors editions

    this isnt ripping us off. i say us because i own morrowind ce. the rip off was getting a whole game, when i owned the base game, and now only having 1 base game and 1 morrowind instead of 2+1

    that was a rip off. this is an acceptable change that works better than it did before.
  • NewBlacksmurf
    Slick_007 wrote: »
    Serasyn wrote: »
    Basically they are ripping off the people that have the collectors editions

    this isnt ripping us off. i say us because i own morrowind ce. the rip off was getting a whole game, when i owned the base game, and now only having 1 base game and 1 morrowind instead of 2+1

    that was a rip off. this is an acceptable change that works better than it did before.

    Wait....all you had to do was buy the collectors edition upgrade. (Oh....maybe you wanted the physical box edition?)
    -PC (PTS)/Xbox One: NewBlacksmurf
    ~<{[50]}>~ looks better than *501
  • Recremen
    Technically no, but practically yes. All you have to do to dye your gear is ignore the outfitting system. You know, that thing we've been asking about for years. It's just that simple!
    Men'Do PC NA AD Khajiit
    Grand High Illustrious Mid-Tier PvP/PvE Bussmunster
  • VaranisArano
    Serasyn wrote: »
    To freely dye your equipped gear, make sure you are on the "No Outfit" selection at the Outfitting station. If you are on that screen, there is no option to dye weapons and no gold counter underneath the slots.

    thanks - ya I tried that. What I mean is lets say I have changed all my armor to Imperial (like I had it) then i get a new helm drop which is primal...i go to outfitter station and there is an option to make that help Imperial but it now makes you do it as an "outfit1" not just standard armor. So then when you make the primal head an imperial head (for free just like before) it then costs to dye it since it considers it an outfit. They either overlooked this or dont care that we now would have to pay like over 3000g each time we want to dye armor and weapons after we change them to Imperial or Morag Tong style......dyeing that was free before. Now the only way it is free is if the armor im dying is ALREADY Imperial...in other words there is no way to change "armor" for free - only "outfits"

    True, there's no way to convert armor to Imperial or Morag Tong anymore.
  • Altairien
    Serasyn wrote: »
    ...HOWEVER when you dye it the color of all the other armor you are wearing it DOES cost to dye it. Plus you have to use the outfit slot and no longer have the ability to change your active armor to either of the two styles.
    Basically they are ripping off the people that have the collectors editions and once had the ability to change to these 2 armor styles, back and forth as many times as they liked (seeing how each piece looked), then dye it...all for free...now none of that is possible??? How can they take something away that tons of people paid cash money for and was a reason they purchased the collectors edition in the first place? This was and is stated as something you get when you buy the collectors editions.... is this being fixed? GINA BRUNO or someone please....
    I don't understand why there hasn't been more of an outcry about this issue. I realize things will change in MMO's, but in my view ZOS outright destroyed a real money purchased feature (whether part of a special edition or from the store) post-sale.

    ZOS shouldn't have introduced dye costs with the Outfit System at all (costs should be tied only to appearances and additional slots), but they most certainly shouldn't cost anything for "Convert to..." styles such as Imperial. At minimum, the dye costs for those particular styles should be negated when used. (This is not hard. Just use the same check used to determine zero costs to apply "Convert to..." appearances.)

    Furthermore, while everyone got 1 free Outfit Slot, accounts that paid for them should have received 1 additional Outfit Slot for each "Convert to..." feature they had. If you have "Convert to Imperial" then you'd get 2 Outfit Slots and if you also have the "Convert to Morag Tong" then you'd get a total of 3 Outfit Slots. Divine Prosecution style (Summerset) would be another slot (just add an Outfit Slot upgrade to the Collector's Edition). Adding these slots, alongside no dye costs for "Convert to..." styles, would've maintained the integrity of the purchased feature.
  • Taleof2Cities
    Altairien wrote: »
    I don't understand why there hasn't been more of an outcry about this issue.

    There was a huge outcry, @Altairien, dating back to early PTS for Dragon Bones.

    Do a simple search in the forums for other threads and read all about it.
  • Altairien
    Altairien wrote: »
    I don't understand why there hasn't been more of an outcry about this issue.

    There was a huge outcry, @Altairien, dating back to early PTS for Dragon Bones.

    Do a simple search in the forums for other threads and read all about it.
    I did search, but most of it is about dye costs in general. Even I didn't realize the full impact when I checked it out on the PTS because I didn't fully test the Imperial style. I did note the appearances themselves had no costs, but I never tested that style any further (no dyes). And I didn't say there wasn't any outcry, I just said I'm surprised there wasn't "more of an outcry".

    Anyway, with my post I'm specifically talking about dye costs and slot costs as relates to destroying the functionality of the "Convert to..." feature.

    To me a somewhat parallel situation could've been if ZOS had implemented the Outfit System and simultaneously removed the ability to craft armor using Store-purchased motifs. I mean you can still use the motif appearances you purchased using the Outfit System, right? Just use your one freebie Outfit slot and, oh yeah, pay for dyes too.

    Not quite the same situation, but similar enough. And it appears that ZOS had this direction in mind all along since they're already implementing an Outfit System-only style with Summerset's Divine Prosecution style. Future Store-purchased motifs may go to a place players don't want.
  • dennissomb16_ESO
    Weird that this thread resurfaced considering I made the post back on Feb 14 and it was quickly answered and clarified by some helpful people
  • VaranisArano
    There was a rather large outcry a month ago, but frankly, we all knew there was zero chance of ZOS walking back the way they wanted to run the Outfit System.

    If this is something you want to discuss, however, I'd honestly suggest starting a new thread to discuss 'Why aren't people still complaining about the Outfit System?" rather than pulling up older threads.

    For reference, here's the old thread that got most of the outrage over the Imperial/Morag Tong conversion changes, though there were several others active at the time. Please don't necro it, though reposting it as reference is fine if you want to continue the discussion: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/395605/was-it-ok-for-zos-to-remove-abilities-purchased-with-collectors-editions/p1
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