From what I have found, Order of the Hour has none of this stuff. Same with Grim Harlequin, although the Chest piece can have a "holster" for something that looks like poison darts.
I put a Heavy Chest and Light Legs on my Magplar and no flippety flappety things to be seen.
Definitely hip flaps, why on Tamriel the design team is so fond of them is beyond me.
CountEdmondDantes wrote: »I doubt this will ever happen, but I'll say I support it, too. On some armors, like the Khajiit sets, the hip flaps are obnoxiously bad. They look strange when you're not moving and when you run it looks even worse. I'd like the option to turn them off if I choose.
And hide epaulets. Please, that.
On another note, is there a bug with the Abah's Watch armor? My daughter made a set for one of her characters last night and the female cuirass looks almost exactly like the male in shape. On a male character, it looks good. On a female, it looks like she's about sixty seconds away from giving birth to an alien.
I think she submitted a ticket, but I thought I'd mention it since it's clearly a bug of some kind.
VaranisArano wrote: »Maybe I'm the weird one on this thread, but I like the flaps. The front/back flaps help cover over a lot of otherwise awkward armor combinations that are especially noticeable now that we can freely combine armor styles and weights however we like. The hip flaps are a little harder to use which they are much more prone to clipping, but I use them to alter my characters' silhouette in ways I wouldn't be able to without an appearance chance.
I do understand and sympathize with those of you who dislike the floating nature of certain flaps. I'm that way with shoulders - I can't stand the ones that are giant and floaty. Give me sleek options that are actually attached to the shoulders any day.
VaranisArano wrote: »Maybe I'm the weird one on this thread, but I like the flaps. The front/back flaps help cover over a lot of otherwise awkward armor combinations that are especially noticeable now that we can freely combine armor styles and weights however we like. The hip flaps are a little harder to use which they are much more prone to clipping, but I use them to alter my characters' silhouette in ways I wouldn't be able to without an appearance chance.
I do understand and sympathize with those of you who dislike the floating nature of certain flaps. I'm that way with shoulders - I can't stand the ones that are giant and floaty. Give me sleek options that are actually attached to the shoulders any day.