Xbox NA AD Sotha Sil - lets populate it, lets control it and bring elven supremacy to Cyrodiil

Im fed up with the cancer that is CP PvP, Ivealways thought non cp pvp was more fun because there is noticeable less lag and less cancer builds. I urge you to consider making sotha sil your guest or home. People always shy away from it because they feel like it takes away "years of grinding cp" ... so I'd LOVE to start running groups in there with people who want the best of what pvp can give and I truly believe that is non cp. We'll also be doing tel var farms regularly! I say we because I'll happily invite you to a AD pvp guild if you'd like (very active and mature adults) or if you just want to be in a group I'll invite you too. So if youre interested please leave your GT and we'll start bringing order and stability to cyrodill like we did all those years ago! Fear the eagle's cry! For the QUEEN!
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