barbarian340 wrote: »so i left ESO for over a year and im just big change is that the areas change according to your level...which is an AWESOME change, imo...however does this also mean than one grinding spot can be used to go from 1-50 without having to switch spots every couple levels? this too would be awesome of that's the case
Mobs now level with you - or rather you are battle leveled to CP160 - so experience gain is pretty linear. Dolmens, public dungeons, a few overland places where mobs respawn fast, Skyreach (you'll probably need to be carried there) and even normal Melstrom Arena (if you have the DLC bought or subscribe). I would suggest picking a spot with undead or Daedra since killing them also raises Fighters Guild reputation, which is useful for any character and must have if you are stamina. Here's pretty comprehensive guide about how to gain experience fast. But IMO it's better to power level to 50, then to CP160, which is the gear cap, and stop there and simply play the game normally. You are much better off farming gear, learning PvP or PvE veteran content, rather than just grinding to CP 700+, especially since XP gain is pretty fast even when not grinding.
barbarian340 wrote: »
so explain grinding to 50, then to 160cp...what do u mean when u say 160 is the gear cap? explain as if im an idiot
@barbarian340 the max level gear in the game is set to cp 160 ... normal ( pre lvl 50 gear ) runs as normal lvls 1-49 ... once you hit lvl 50 you start gaining champion points ( cp ) and the gear's lvl is labeled as the amount of cp ... cp 10, cp 20 etc ... max is cp 160, even though in game the current max cp is 720 for your character, but the game designers set the gear to "cap" at 160 ... the gear that you get from drops depends on your champion level at this once you gain 160 cp's you can use the max lvl gear in the game....hope that was simplified enough
barbarian340 wrote: »
ooooooh! got it! very helpful, this gear drops from normal endgame play? or does it have to be crafted? and what about weapons? ive seen ppl talk about maelstrom weapons, does one get these?
Ydrisselle wrote: »
CP gear can be obtained as loot and can be crafted too. That means weapons are using this system too.
I'm not sure, but I think Maelstrom weapons can be obtained from the Maelstrom Arena, which is a solo encounter.
barbarian340 wrote: »so i left ESO for over a year and im just big change is that the areas change according to your level...which is an AWESOME change, imo...however does this also mean than one grinding spot can be used to go from 1-50 without having to switch spots every couple levels? this too would be awesome of that's the case