Outfitting & Dyeing 101

The new Outfitting System has arrived and a bunch of people have a ton of questions, complaints and misconceptions. I thought to myself, "Self, you could go to each thread and want to answer their questions and misconceptions there...or you could do that all in one place." So here we are. If you don't want to listen to me, go check out ZOS' basic guide here instead: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/26295

If you want to review the Patch Notes, go here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/394810/pc-mac-patch-notes-v3-3-5-dragon-bones-update-17

Outfitting & Dyeing 101

What the Outfitting System is:
The Outfitting System allows you to create an outfit similar to a costume that will override your normal appearance from your crafted/dropped gear. That outfit can be as detailed or as plain as you like, using any motif that is known on your account. The outfit can be used to alter the appearance of your weapons within limitations of type and allows you to dye weapons used in the outfit. You do this using the Outfitting Station, which is the old Dyeing station with a fancy new UI. Creating and altering the appearance of your outfit costs gold or Outfit Change Tokens available from the Crown Store (400 Crowns).
Everyone gets one free outfit slot per character. Additional Outfit Slot Upgrades add 1 outfit slot to a single character (per character, not account wide) and may be purchased from the Crown Store (1500 Crowns).

Common Misconceptions
1. The Outfitting System does not take away your ability to hide your helmet for free. There are two settings that cover this. If you are a polymorph user, go to Settings ->Gameplay ->Hide Polymorph Helm to turn that on/off. If you just want to hide your helmet, go to Collections ->Appearance->Hats->Hide Your Helm. The old functionality of "Hide Helmet" has now been turned into a hat. It still functions exactly how you'd expect, allowing you to hide the helmet on your crafted/dropped gear, your costumes, and your new outfits.
2. The Outfitting System does not take away your ability to dye your crafted/dropped gear for free. In the dye station menu, where you would normally dye your crafted/dropped gear, if you select the "No Outfit" option, that's the same thing. Under "No Outfit" you can dye your equipped armor and shield for free. You cannot dye your weapons, however. You aren't missing out on anything, however, because you couldn't dye weapons before the Outfitting System anyway.
3. The Outfitting System does not take away the ability of ESO+ subscribers to dye their costumes freely. That process works the same as it ever did.
4. The free Outfit Slot given to everything character is free to have, not free to create. If you actually create an outfit using that slot, you will have to pay the gold/token cost for the motifs and dyes used.
5. The Outfit System does not remove any functionality from people who learned the Imperial and Morag Tong transformations from the Collector's Edition. You can still freely convert and dye those equipped pieces from the No Outfit menu just like you could before. In addition, you will not be charged gold for those styles if you use them in your Outfit. However, you will be charged gold to dye those pieces in your outfit because free dyeing was never part of the advertised benefit. Edited to Add: Upon further experimenting, the conversion of armor has been moved to the Outfit system. This does mean that you can't convert pieces and dye them freely from your "No Outfit" equipped gear menu. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, that's a lost functionality. On the other, I could only convert crafted armors, no-set armor, and a few rare no set motif gear sets, so it was never the most functional system in the first place.

Using the Outfitting Station
Step 1: Log in with your crafter(s). Motif Knowledge for crafting gear is still character specific but motif knowledge for crating outfits is account wide. However, you need to log in with the character that knows the motif in order for the rest of your characters to use the motif for the outfit system. So I had to log on with my crafter or none of my alts would know any motifs except the basics.
While you are on with your crafter, quickly make an deconstruct (or buy and deconstruct) a piece of equipment from each of the tiers of materials (iron, steel, birch, cotton, etc) in order to get the new material dyes. It doesn't matter whether its blacksmithing, woodworking or clothing (I did mine from all three), you just need to deconstruct one item from each tier. This gives you the new dyes from the tiered weapon colors. Now, you can use any dye on any weapon and you can use these dyes on armor, but these dyes are designed to mimic the color of weapons at their differetn tier. So if you really like rubedite red, you're in luck, but if you yearn for the low-level days of plain iron, you are also in luck.

Step 2: Find an Outfit Station. It should be easy. All the former dye stations became Outfit Stations.
The former dye station UI has definitely been upgraded.
You'll see the drop-down options for "No Outfit" (that's your equipped gear), "Outfit 1" (that's the free outfit every character got), and the advertisement to buy more outfit slots for your character from the Crown Store.

Step 3: Using "Outfit 1", you can choose Dyes, Armor Styles, and Weapon Styles from the motifs and dyes that you know account-wide. (If you are missing a motif, make sure you logged in with that character - see step 1)
You can pay for changing your Outfit with gold (amount varies per outfit) or an Outfit Change Token from the Crown Store (400 tokens). Since I've said this here, I'm going to just talk about gold costs below, since a token makes that all irrelevant.
Armor Styles and Weapon Styles cost gold to use. You can preview the cost by hovering over the item while your running total of cost will by at the bottom of the outfit slots. Generally speaking, basic racial motifs are cheap and newer, rarer motifs are much more expensive. Weapon styles are more expensive than armor styles. Weapon Styles also have some limitations. You can make a one-handed weapon look like a different kind of one-handed weapon (i.e. a sword can look like a mace), but you can't make a one-handed weapon look like a two-handed weapon.
Dyes also cost gold to apply to your outfit. This appears to be a flat cost. I did not noticed any price changes for rarity. 50 gold per armor slot and 350 gear per weapon slot.
You can Rename your outfit or randomize dyes if you are looking for ideas. Under Armor Styles, you can "Randomize Styles" which sounds like it should give some hilarious results.

Step 4: Finalizing and Equipping your Outfit
When you are finished, Select "Apply Changes" in the dye station menu just like you would for regular equipped gear or a costume.
You will be prompted to pay for your changes in the currency of your choice. If gold, you will pay the total amount accrued for your armor styles, weapon styles, and dyes. If you use a Outfit Slot Upgrade from the Crown Store, you will have no additional costs other than the flat 400 crowns it cost to buy the token. Unlike crafting, this will not cost style materials.

When you pop out of the dye station, you may or may not look exactly how you like.
Costumes override outfits. So do polymorphs, hats, and disguises. If you want to see your outfit, remove your costume.
Hide Your Helm Hat overrides outfits. If you don't want to see your outfit helmet (and didn't use the hide your helm option in the outfit station), this is great!. If you want to see your outfit helm, turn off the hat.

Equipping and Swapping Outfits
In Collections, there's a new tab to the far right called "Outfit Styles."
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There you can:
Swap Outfits, including back to No Outfit
Preview Armor and Weapon Styles and figure out what you know and don't know
Head straight to the Crown Store to buy more outfit slots for your character if you are so inclined.

Step 5: Changing Your Outfit
To change your outfit after you finalized it, head back to an Outfit Station.
Like before, you can choose armor styles, weapon styles, and dyes.
You will be charged for every change you make. For example, removing a dye counts as a change. I removed a dye and was charged for it, however using a different dye in that now empty slot did not result in extra charges because it was only one slot being changed. Essentially, experimenting cost nothing, but you will be charged for every change you finalize.

My Thoughts on the Outfitting System
I hear a lot of complaints coming from people who don't understand the Outfit system and mistakenly believe that they are being charged for something that used to be free or that they have lost functionality or that they are forced to use the outfit system to regain something that used to be free. The Outfit System does not charged you for anything that used to be free, like dying your equipped armor/shields. The Outfit System does not cause you to lose functionalities like Hide Helmet or Hide Polymorph Helms, it just adjusts where you find them.

However, the Outfit System does have major downsides.
Gold cost per item and per dye slot is designed to be inconvenient enough to push players towards the Crown Store tokens. That it also functions as a gold sink is a side effect. When arguing about gold cost, keep in mind this info about average player gold that the 90th percentile of players across platforms had around 400-900k. Source: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/4399012#Comment_4399012
Many of the armor pieces have glaring graphical issues that quickly become apparent when mashed together with other armor sets, like high-floating shoulders, black textures where someone didn't texture the underside, and dark patches on knees where boots would have been. This is nothing new, however the issues are readily apparent now.

That all being said, I had a ton of fun spending close to 2 hours tweaking my main character's armor just so and really enjoyed the experience. I doubt that I'll ever use the Crown Store options, but I will use my free outfit slot quite a bit. Overall, I'm pleased with this addition to my ability to customize my characters' appearances.

Final Note:
As usual, I'm sure I've missed something important or there are other questions I failed to address. If there's something that you think I missed or needs to be added here, please feel free to add that to the post.
Edited by VaranisArano on February 14, 2018 11:52AM
  • boombazookajd
    Awesome @VaranisArano!!
    Drathus Delenu- Dunmer magDk: Shehai Shatterer, Mageslayer, Stormproof, Peak Scaler, Clockwork Confounder, Orderly, Master Wizard, Cloudrest Hero, Undaunted, Dragonstar Arena Champion
    Thoronir Rolston- Breton petsorc: Stormproof
    Zaakazha-Redguard stamblade: Boethia's Scythe, Clockwork Confounder, Maelstrom Arena Champion, Dragonstar Arena Champion

    Justinius Maximus Decimus- Altmer magblade
    Agronak gro'Mashul- Orc DK Tank
    Valerya Hawkcroft- Breton healer
    Zaaka- Imperial stamDK/crafter

    XB1 NA
  • ADarklore
    Thank you @VaranisArano for taking the time to post this!! There are so many 'fake news' comments and posts out there about this system, people should start directing all of them to this thread for the truth. :)
    CP: 1965 ** ESO+ Gold Road ** ~~ Stamina Arcanist ~~ Magicka Warden ~~ Magicka Templar ~~ ***** Strictly a solo PvE quester *****
  • VaranisArano
    Updated the post to more accurately reflect the changes to the Imperial and Morag Tong Converters.

    Currently, I can no longer convert certain types of gear (crafted gear, non-set pieces, and certain no-set-motif set pieces) to Imperial or Morag Tong. I can use those motifs freely in the Outfit Station.

    Lost Functionality:
    1. I can't convert those (limited) gear pieces and dye them freely in the "No Outfit" part of the Outfit Station. Therefore, I have to own the motif to be able to freely dye crafted gear or I have to pay gold to dye those items in the Outfit System.
    2. I can't do the thing where you convert junk gear to Morag Tong and then decon it to get the new style mat.

    Since #2 doesn't matter to me at all, I'll look at #1. I'm sort of torn about it?

    Look, the Imperial and Morag Tong Converters were badly hampered by their original design and the inability to convert any and all gear. They were extremely limited in scope. Instead of being able to convert any set of gear to those sets in appearance, you could only convert an extremely limited selection.
    Any crafted gear
    Any non-set gear
    A few set pieces that didn't have a set motif, like the Armor of the Trainee set.

    So if you got the Imperial and Morag Tong converter for the ability to make any piece of armor look like Imperial and Morag Tong armor without having to buy the motif, the new outfit system actually does that far better than the old system...with the caveat that you do have to pay for dyeing those pieces. I'm inclined to think this is an improvement.

    On the other hand, if you used the Morag Tong/Imperial converters purely for appearances without caring that you were limited to certain gear pieces, then yeah, that's extra gold you have to pay to dye those items using the outfit system OR you have to go buy the motifs in order to freely dye crafted gear.

    So I don't know how to feel about it.
  • DeadlyRecluse
    The system itself is amazing. Some will probably raise issues with it, but in terms of customizing your appearance it's an entirely different, mindblowing level.

    I knew, on some level, how many options there would be (with all motifs completed), but the first time I pulled it up on live it was borderline overwhelming. Very, very cool. Very easy to make unique looks--though often doing most slots in a single style looks best.

    ...I will say, while I initially was on the side of "the gold cost isn't that bad/the cost for a new slot isn't that bad," I'm a little frustrated by them now. This system is very deep, has so many options--I'd love to mess around in it for hours, at least at first. That's curtailed a bit by the gold cost. I think the cheapest one I've come up with was 10k, which isn't bad at all, in a vacuum, but is enough that I'm not revisiting the outfit station every hour to play around.

    EDIT: I think the gold costs, overall, are fine--but it would be really, really nice if they were reduced greatly for this first week so we can all play around in the system. bring it back up to the current amount once there's less of a doll-dressup-party vibe and more just occasional adjustments of look.
    Edited by DeadlyRecluse on February 13, 2018 4:13PM
    Thrice Empress, Forever Scrub
  • idk
    Correction. I was being charged to dye my armor with ESO+. This is my actual dropped and crafted armor. Not an outfit.

    I would suggest OP review his post and make sure the other aspects mentioned are correct as well as correct the one item I mentioned.

    I did not look past the point I just mentioned since if it is incorrect (I tested it again on live just to make sure) then other aspects of the OP could easily be incorrect. I look forward to a corrected post. Thank.
    Edited by idk on February 13, 2018 4:19PM
  • VaranisArano
    idk wrote: »
    Correction. I was being charged to dye my armor with ESO+. This is my actual dropped and crafted armor. Not an outfit.

    I would suggest OP review his post and make sure the other aspects mentioned are correct as well as correct the one item I mentioned.

    I did not look past the point I just mentioned since if it is incorrect (I tested it again on live just to make sure) then other aspects of the OP could easily be incorrect. I look forward to a corrected post. Thank.

    @idk Are you absolutely certain? I do not have ESO+ and I was able to freely dye my equipped armor. As long as I was on the "No Outfit" part of the dye station, I was not charged at all for dyeing, exactly how it was prior to the update.

    If you were on the "Outfit 1" section, it initially appears identical to your equipped armor and dyeing from there will cost gold because its changing your outfit.

    Please check and confirm that you were charged gold for dyeing your equipped armor while in the "No Outfit" section of the outfit screen because that's counter to what I experienced in the game. The "No Outfit" section is the same as the old dyeing station and did not charge me any gold. I was able to dye all my equipped gear with no charges.

    Edited to Add: I just popped in game and tested to make sure. If I set the option to "No Outfit" in the Outfit Station, I can dye my equipped armor and shield for no cost. Unless that's a bug specific to ESO+ members, you shouldn't have any gold cost for dyeing with "No Outfit" selected.

    I welcome your testing and your critiques, but I'm going to suggest that you actually read the post.
    Edited by VaranisArano on February 13, 2018 4:31PM
  • idk
    idk wrote: »
    Correction. I was being charged to dye my armor with ESO+. This is my actual dropped and crafted armor. Not an outfit.

    I would suggest OP review his post and make sure the other aspects mentioned are correct as well as correct the one item I mentioned.

    I did not look past the point I just mentioned since if it is incorrect (I tested it again on live just to make sure) then other aspects of the OP could easily be incorrect. I look forward to a corrected post. Thank.

    @idk Are you absolutely certain? I do not have ESO+ and I was able to freely dye my equipped armor. As long as I was on the "No Outfit" part of the dye station, I was not charged at all for dyeing, exactly how it was prior to the update.

    If you were on the "Outfit 1" section, it initially appears identical to your equipped armor and dyeing from there will cost gold because its changing your outfit.

    Please check and confirm that you were charged gold for dyeing your equipped armor while in the "No Outfit" section of the outfit screen because that's counter to what I experienced in the game. The "No Outfit" section is the same as the old dyeing station and did not charge me any gold. I was able to dye all my equipped gear with no charges.

    As I said I tested it again while making the post above. I had already checked it since the patch went live. Costumes no issue, change the dye on actual armor came with a charge. 150 gold per piece except for belt, only one slot so it was 50 gold. Full set was 950 gold. I also double checked that my ESO+ buff was active.
  • VaranisArano
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Correction. I was being charged to dye my armor with ESO+. This is my actual dropped and crafted armor. Not an outfit.

    I would suggest OP review his post and make sure the other aspects mentioned are correct as well as correct the one item I mentioned.

    I did not look past the point I just mentioned since if it is incorrect (I tested it again on live just to make sure) then other aspects of the OP could easily be incorrect. I look forward to a corrected post. Thank.

    @idk Are you absolutely certain? I do not have ESO+ and I was able to freely dye my equipped armor. As long as I was on the "No Outfit" part of the dye station, I was not charged at all for dyeing, exactly how it was prior to the update.

    If you were on the "Outfit 1" section, it initially appears identical to your equipped armor and dyeing from there will cost gold because its changing your outfit.

    Please check and confirm that you were charged gold for dyeing your equipped armor while in the "No Outfit" section of the outfit screen because that's counter to what I experienced in the game. The "No Outfit" section is the same as the old dyeing station and did not charge me any gold. I was able to dye all my equipped gear with no charges.

    As I said I tested it again while making the post above. I had already checked it since the patch went live. Costumes no issue, change the dye on actual armor came with a charge. 150 gold per piece except for belt, only one slot so it was 50 gold. Full set was 950 gold. I also double checked that my ESO+ buff was active.

    I just tested it. With "No Outfit" selected, I can dye my equipped gear for no cost. Please make sure you have "No Outfit" selected instead of "Outfit 1" or another outfit.
  • Vaelen
    I can confirm it costs around 20k gold to dye a full outfit set using glass style... That's pretty steep considering that malachite goes for normally around 300g-500g each on gstores.
  • VaranisArano
    idk wrote: »
    idk wrote: »
    Correction. I was being charged to dye my armor with ESO+. This is my actual dropped and crafted armor. Not an outfit.

    I would suggest OP review his post and make sure the other aspects mentioned are correct as well as correct the one item I mentioned.

    I did not look past the point I just mentioned since if it is incorrect (I tested it again on live just to make sure) then other aspects of the OP could easily be incorrect. I look forward to a corrected post. Thank.

    @idk Are you absolutely certain? I do not have ESO+ and I was able to freely dye my equipped armor. As long as I was on the "No Outfit" part of the dye station, I was not charged at all for dyeing, exactly how it was prior to the update.

    If you were on the "Outfit 1" section, it initially appears identical to your equipped armor and dyeing from there will cost gold because its changing your outfit.

    Please check and confirm that you were charged gold for dyeing your equipped armor while in the "No Outfit" section of the outfit screen because that's counter to what I experienced in the game. The "No Outfit" section is the same as the old dyeing station and did not charge me any gold. I was able to dye all my equipped gear with no charges.

    As I said I tested it again while making the post above. I had already checked it since the patch went live. Costumes no issue, change the dye on actual armor came with a charge. 150 gold per piece except for belt, only one slot so it was 50 gold. Full set was 950 gold. I also double checked that my ESO+ buff was active.

    @idk That still sounds to me like you were being charged for altering your outfit.

    When I am on the No Outfit selection, I was able to dyed my equipped armor for no charge. I was not able to dye my weapons because there were no dye slots. There was no gold counter on that screen.

    When I am on the Outfit 1 selection, it initially appears identical to my equipped armor, but there are several differences.One, there are dye slots on my weapons. Two, there's a gold counter.If I start dyeing here, it looks like I'm dyeing my equipped armor but I'm actually dyeing my outfit and being charged accordingly.

    All this is true regardless of ESO+ status.
    No one gets charged gold to dye gear through the No Outfit selection.
    Everyone gets charged to dye from the Outfit 1 (or whatever you called out) selection.

    If you are in fact being charged gold to dye equipped gear while on the No Outfit selection, I can only conclude that's a bug, because I'm not being charged.
  • Tarukmockto
    I just tested this on live with ESO+. With No Outfit selected there was no cost to dye. As soon as I switched over to Outfit 1, there was a cost listed.
    NA - DC - DK - PC
  • VaranisArano
    I just tested this on live with ESO+. With No Outfit selected there was no cost to dye. As soon as I switched over to Outfit 1, there was a cost listed.

    Awesome! Thanks for testing that with ESO+.
  • Stinkyremy
    Thanks for this thread.
    Just wanted to ask, because you didn't mention anything about it. Does for example, changing my rubedite sword into a grin harlequin sword, use crafting style materials (grin stone) , or do I only have to pay gold?
  • VaranisArano
    Stinkyremy wrote: »
    Thanks for this thread.
    Just wanted to ask, because you didn't mention anything about it. Does for example, changing my rubedite sword into a grin harlequin sword, use crafting style materials (grin stone) , or do I only have to pay gold?

    It does not use style mats, it only costs gold.
  • BiggShooter
    I have a question relating to Dye Stamps and Outfits. Can Dye Stamps be used on / for Outfits? If not, why not?

    Thanks for the replies. :smile:
  • VaranisArano
    I have a question relating to Dye Stamps and Outfits. Can Dye Stamps be used on / for Outfits? If not, why not?

    Thanks for the replies. :smile:

    Dye Stamps can only be used on Costumes. That's because ZOS designed it so Costumes can only be dyed with ESO+, so dye stamps give non subscribers a way to buy one time use dyes for costumes. The Dye Stamps are also one time use consumable rather than actual dyes, so they don't work on equipped armor or outfits.
  • BiggShooter
    I have a question relating to Dye Stamps and Outfits. Can Dye Stamps be used on / for Outfits? If not, why not?

    Thanks for the replies. :smile:

    Dye Stamps can only be used on Costumes. That's because ZOS designed it so Costumes can only be dyed with ESO+, so dye stamps give non subscribers a way to buy one time use dyes for costumes. The Dye Stamps are also one time use consumable rather than actual dyes, so they don't work on equipped armor or outfits.

    Thanks for explanation. It would be nice to use Dye Stamps on Outfits, specifically motifs (Crown Store / Loot Drops) since "unlocking" dyes isn't always a simple process.
  • LadyDestiny
    The new Outfitting System has arrived and a bunch of people have a ton of questions, complaints and misconceptions. I thought to myself, "Self, you could go to each thread and want to answer their questions and misconceptions there...or you could do that all in one place." So here we are. If you don't want to listen to me, go check out ZOS' basic guide here instead: https://www.elderscrollsonline.com/en-us/news/post/26295

    If you want to review the Patch Notes, go here: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/394810/pc-mac-patch-notes-v3-3-5-dragon-bones-update-17

    Outfitting & Dyeing 101

    What the Outfitting System is:
    The Outfitting System allows you to create an outfit similar to a costume that will override your normal appearance from your crafted/dropped gear. That outfit can be as detailed or as plain as you like, using any motif that is known on your account. The outfit can be used to alter the appearance of your weapons within limitations of type and allows you to dye weapons used in the outfit. You do this using the Outfitting Station, which is the old Dyeing station with a fancy new UI. Creating and altering the appearance of your outfit costs gold or Outfit Change Tokens available from the Crown Store (400 Crowns).
    Everyone gets one free outfit slot per character. Additional Outfit Slot Upgrades add 1 outfit slot to a single character (per character, not account wide) and may be purchased from the Crown Store (1500 Crowns).

    Common Misconceptions
    1. The Outfitting System does not take away your ability to hide your helmet for free. There are two settings that cover this. If you are a polymorph user, go to Settings ->Gameplay ->Hide Polymorph Helm to turn that on/off. If you just want to hide your helmet, go to Collections ->Appearance->Hats->Hide Your Helm. The old functionality of "Hide Helmet" has now been turned into a hat. It still functions exactly how you'd expect, allowing you to hide the helmet on your crafted/dropped gear, your costumes, and your new outfits.
    2. The Outfitting System does not take away your ability to dye your crafted/dropped gear for free. In the dye station menu, where you would normally dye your crafted/dropped gear, if you select the "No Outfit" option, that's the same thing. Under "No Outfit" you can dye your equipped armor and shield for free. You cannot dye your weapons, however. You aren't missing out on anything, however, because you couldn't dye weapons before the Outfitting System anyway.
    3. The Outfitting System does not take away the ability of ESO+ subscribers to dye their costumes freely. That process works the same as it ever did.
    4. The free Outfit Slot given to everything character is free to have, not free to create. If you actually create an outfit using that slot, you will have to pay the gold/token cost for the motifs and dyes used.
    5. The Outfit System does not remove any functionality from people who learned the Imperial and Morag Tong transformations from the Collector's Edition. You can still freely convert and dye those equipped pieces from the No Outfit menu just like you could before. In addition, you will not be charged gold for those styles if you use them in your Outfit. However, you will be charged gold to dye those pieces in your outfit because free dyeing was never part of the advertised benefit. Edited to Add: Upon further experimenting, the conversion of armor has been moved to the Outfit system. This does mean that you can't convert pieces and dye them freely from your "No Outfit" equipped gear menu. I'm not sure how I feel about that. On the one hand, that's a lost functionality. On the other, I could only convert crafted armors, no-set armor, and a few rare no set motif gear sets, so it was never the most functional system in the first place.

    Using the Outfitting Station
    Step 1: Log in with your crafter(s). Motif Knowledge for crafting gear is still character specific but motif knowledge for crating outfits is account wide. However, you need to log in with the character that knows the motif in order for the rest of your characters to use the motif for the outfit system. So I had to log on with my crafter or none of my alts would know any motifs except the basics.
    While you are on with your crafter, quickly make an deconstruct (or buy and deconstruct) a piece of equipment from each of the tiers of materials (iron, steel, birch, cotton, etc) in order to get the new material dyes. It doesn't matter whether its blacksmithing, woodworking or clothing (I did mine from all three), you just need to deconstruct one item from each tier. This gives you the new dyes from the tiered weapon colors. Now, you can use any dye on any weapon and you can use these dyes on armor, but these dyes are designed to mimic the color of weapons at their differetn tier. So if you really like rubedite red, you're in luck, but if you yearn for the low-level days of plain iron, you are also in luck.

    Step 2: Find an Outfit Station. It should be easy. All the former dye stations became Outfit Stations.
    The former dye station UI has definitely been upgraded.
    You'll see the drop-down options for "No Outfit" (that's your equipped gear), "Outfit 1" (that's the free outfit every character got), and the advertisement to buy more outfit slots for your character from the Crown Store.

    Step 3: Using "Outfit 1", you can choose Dyes, Armor Styles, and Weapon Styles from the motifs and dyes that you know account-wide. (If you are missing a motif, make sure you logged in with that character - see step 1)
    You can pay for changing your Outfit with gold (amount varies per outfit) or an Outfit Change Token from the Crown Store (400 tokens). Since I've said this here, I'm going to just talk about gold costs below, since a token makes that all irrelevant.
    Armor Styles and Weapon Styles cost gold to use. You can preview the cost by hovering over the item while your running total of cost will by at the bottom of the outfit slots. Generally speaking, basic racial motifs are cheap and newer, rarer motifs are much more expensive. Weapon styles are more expensive than armor styles. Weapon Styles also have some limitations. You can make a one-handed weapon look like a different kind of one-handed weapon (i.e. a sword can look like a mace), but you can't make a one-handed weapon look like a two-handed weapon.
    Dyes also cost gold to apply to your outfit. This appears to be a flat cost. I did not noticed any price changes for rarity. 50 gold per armor slot and 350 gear per weapon slot.
    You can Rename your outfit or randomize dyes if you are looking for ideas. Under Armor Styles, you can "Randomize Styles" which sounds like it should give some hilarious results.

    Step 4: Finalizing and Equipping your Outfit
    When you are finished, Select "Apply Changes" in the dye station menu just like you would for regular equipped gear or a costume.
    You will be prompted to pay for your changes in the currency of your choice. If gold, you will pay the total amount accrued for your armor styles, weapon styles, and dyes. If you use a Outfit Slot Upgrade from the Crown Store, you will have no additional costs other than the flat 400 crowns it cost to buy the token. Unlike crafting, this will not cost style materials.

    When you pop out of the dye station, you may or may not look exactly how you like.
    Costumes override outfits. So do polymorphs, hats, and disguises. If you want to see your outfit, remove your costume.
    Hide Your Helm Hat overrides outfits. If you don't want to see your outfit helmet (and didn't use the hide your helm option in the outfit station), this is great!. If you want to see your outfit helm, turn off the hat.

    Equipping and Swapping Outfits
    In Collections, there's a new tab to the far right called "Outfit Styles."
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    There you can:
    Swap Outfits, including back to No Outfit
    Preview Armor and Weapon Styles and figure out what you know and don't know
    Head straight to the Crown Store to buy more outfit slots for your character if you are so inclined.

    Step 5: Changing Your Outfit
    To change your outfit after you finalized it, head back to an Outfit Station.
    Like before, you can choose armor styles, weapon styles, and dyes.
    You will be charged for every change you make. For example, removing a dye counts as a change. I removed a dye and was charged for it, however using a different dye in that now empty slot did not result in extra charges because it was only one slot being changed. Essentially, experimenting cost nothing, but you will be charged for every change you finalize.

    My Thoughts on the Outfitting System
    I hear a lot of complaints coming from people who don't understand the Outfit system and mistakenly believe that they are being charged for something that used to be free or that they have lost functionality or that they are forced to use the outfit system to regain something that used to be free. The Outfit System does not charged you for anything that used to be free, like dying your equipped armor/shields. The Outfit System does not cause you to lose functionalities like Hide Helmet or Hide Polymorph Helms, it just adjusts where you find them.

    However, the Outfit System does have major downsides.
    Gold cost per item and per dye slot is designed to be inconvenient enough to push players towards the Crown Store tokens. That it also functions as a gold sink is a side effect. When arguing about gold cost, keep in mind this info about average player gold that the 90th percentile of players across platforms had around 400-900k. Source: https://forums.elderscrollsonline.com/en/discussion/comment/4399012#Comment_4399012
    Many of the armor pieces have glaring graphical issues that quickly become apparent when mashed together with other armor sets, like high-floating shoulders, black textures where someone didn't texture the underside, and dark patches on knees where boots would have been. This is nothing new, however the issues are readily apparent now.

    That all being said, I had a ton of fun spending close to 2 hours tweaking my main character's armor just so and really enjoyed the experience. I doubt that I'll ever use the Crown Store options, but I will use my free outfit slot quite a bit. Overall, I'm pleased with this addition to my ability to customize my characters' appearances.

    Final Note:
    As usual, I'm sure I've missed something important or there are other questions I failed to address. If there's something that you think I missed or needs to be added here, please feel free to add that to the post.

    I feel that there should be no cost to change look or dye colors. I mean we already took the time and money to acquire those motif styles. It's a dumb gold sink. Paying crowns for more outfit slots is ok I guess. But dang I don't pay money to my landlord everytime I go put clothes on from my closet. Zeni logic.....
  • kind_hero
    You can see a preview of all the rare dyes and a few hard to get ones here
    [PC/EU] Tamriel Hero, Stormproof, Grand Master Crafter
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