1st this is meant to be a constructive discussion not a dismissive i know sod all troll heaven. that said, I've reached a level of obtaining masterful writs, and the inconsistency of aquiring the mats to complete them are all over the place, Alchemy is the easiest cos the mats are all over the place, the enchanting ones are more difficult to acquire because a particular rune can only be found in Cyrodiil sewers obtained by acquiring Tel Var stones and buying from the Tel Var stone vendor for 5k no less, Ive yet come across them being dropped, tel var stones themselves are hard to hold onto as you acquire them because if you unfortunately get massacred youll lose a load and have restart aquireing them, hence you need to be in a group, well after all cyrodiil and the sewers are basically a group area.. fine, but if your at the whim of players willing or NOT willing to help makes the whole exercise ridiculous, like wise the mats for motif style items, these also are vaguely arbitrary drops from dailies, they may or may not happen for weeks or even months.. as with me, having to resort to buying the mats or buying gear to research, craglorn and cyrodiil are set aside specific for group and PVP.. dont get me wrong, I love both areas and spend a lot of time in each... but i am a soloist AND NOT UNIQUE... so why put mats for writs in the multiplayer section and not keep them in open Tamriel... a suggestion for these could easily be put at the end of long daily quest chains, ... you do the quest chain you get the mat or the motif, bearing in mind the AMOUNT of sets available and the amount of weapons and gear that need these , i could take forever to get them, but they can be got, unlike MAYBE get through arbitrary drops, the quest give could flag a player when ALL the motifs for a particular set are aquired then give a new daily quest, or call it a monthly quest.. i feel lost at the moment, grinding the dailies hoping a motif will drop so I can continue, or just ending up doing the dailies to get the gold to buy at guild vendors at highly extortionate prices (understandably due to rarity) to research or just buy accordingly... so i suggest putting motifs at the end of quest lines allowing them to be accessible to EVERYONE, and so stop people begging to be in a group that might or might not happen either...
people may not agree with this opinion, and I fully accept and RESPECT that, what I don't respect are trolls trolling for the sake of an argument...