What gear can I upgrade to now?

So, I'm a magicka sorc. I'm using the same ole gear, same skillz, same rotation as I was 6 updates ago. I'm running 5p TBS, willpower jewl, illambris head and shoulder and some off weapons. The last thing I want is some complicated rotation that isn't comfortable. I've tried having someone tell me which rotation to use but it just didn't feel right, I kept messing it up. I want sustainability, survival and overall Damage! I'm a high elf magicka sorc, id like to stay magicka if I can help it. Any advice is welcome, thanks.
Guildmaster of Aldmeri Elite (PVE) and Tamriel Trade Center (Trading)Master Adventurer (main) Kilara Delecour
  • Narvuntien
    Necropotence set and a pet build is what is typical for MagSorcs, the good new is that is one of the easiest builds since your pets do a lot of your damage.

    I mean at a high level you pair it with moondancer (or 4 pc infallible aether) and Maelstrom staffs/asylumn staffs. But just running the crafted set Julianos will be fine, you need something to wear to even get into a trail.

    So Necropotence + Julianos + iceheart/slimeclaw 1 pc for crit.

    Your shields scale with your max mag so those will be really big hardened ward and harness magicka will make you hard to kill. There is also the healing with crits skill that will help.

    As far as rotation goes you have to swap to your back bar every 8 seconds to lay down Wall of lightning and Liquid lightning then you switch back to your front bar for most of the fight.
  • ValkynSketha
    5xmechanica acuity (crafted in cwc).

    5xnecro (can be purchased or farmed).

    1x domihaus(vFH)/illambris(vCOH I)

    Double shock, acuity shock infused with shock enchant main, maelstorm shock/fire infused/nirn with weapon damage enchant(if you don't have mael go with random no set)
    Assuming you are on a pet heavy attack build.

    Rotation is simple: destro ulti-swap-liquid lightning-light attack-blockade-light-volatile familliar-swap-curse-heavyx2 or x1+clench-swap.

    Some instances like vaa last boss and vhrc last boss are pet unfriendly you might want to consider preparing a petless build for that.
    Edited by ValkynSketha on February 12, 2018 10:24AM
  • VaranisArano
    Assuming you want to keep Illambris because monster sets are nice, and you don't have a weapon from a trial like VMA or AS for your off staff, that'll leave you with 5 body slots, 3 Jewelry, and 1 staff.

    Willpower+random staff is fine, leaving you with the 5 piece. If you want crafted, I'd go with Julianos for solid increased stats, or Seducers if sustain is a serious issue. If you want dropped sets, I'd go with necropotence if you run pets. There's a few other dropped sets that are good, but none that aren't in line with Julianos.

    You can also do a 4/4 split on the body and jewelry, with a staff on each bar for different sets, thus giving you a back bar and a front-bar five piece bonus, but I'm less familiar with making those work effectively.
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