there's a reason why the game has never gone above 8-10~k players on a good day (Steam Charts reveals this)
I have feelings about things.
Corporate Thinking: People need to be addicted to grind, that's why they keep paying us. Nerf all of the things!
Player Thinking: I enjoy alts and roleplaying! I'm stuck on one character, though, and I can't have alts. If I start a new character it'll take the rest of my life to build them up. So this is dull, and I don't have the life to waste on this. And every now and then they break my character, anyway, just to set me back. I'll just give up.
Corporate Thinking: People buy lootboxes! Add lootboxes! It'll bring in less money!
Player Thinking: Eh. That MMO has lootboxes. It's already dying or dead. I'm not even going to try it. Only a dying MMO with a tiny player base relies on lootboxes to bring in money.
Corporate Thinking: We don't have enough of a community! We need to keep our cash shop prices up to even make money!
Player Thinking: They want how much for a house? Man, a hideout in Champions Online didn't cost 5 per cent of that and it had more furniture options!
.../...Is it so hard to try a new approach?
LadyAstrum wrote: »Game companies are also to blame for allowing corporate types dictate development, instead of the people (the devs) who are truly passionate about the games they make.
LadyAstrum wrote: »This, I wonder, partially explains the explosion in cash shops. A lot of people don't want to pay subs anymore (goes back to player loyalty, amongst other things such as affordability), but companies want to make their money somehow.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
You can't blame companies when they have no choice. The gaming industry is such an investment heavy business that they simply have no choice. ESO for instance started development SIX years prior to launch. That means they had to provide the cash for SIX YEARS for hundred(s?) of highly qualified people before even collecting the first penny from it. That's huge and implies a strong dependance on investors' markets. Which, obviously, without any further "ideals", go for the highest return on investment available. On this investors' market you can also find your very own bank (and mine too) where you chose to put your savings because they offered an interest rate 1 or even 0.1% higher than the other bank.
That's why all AAA games (and we expect always more of them, technically, graphically, etc..., making them even more investor-dependant) NEED to optimize profit, design for profit, think profit 24/7. They simply have no choice.
LadyAstrum wrote: »Yes, I understand that, my impression (from being part of an alpha/beta development and observing how business can mess things up) is that the corporate side sometimes overshadows the creative side. There are good and not-so-good elements in all things.
LadyAstrum wrote: »I'm not going to break out the violins for game companies, sorry, they make a lot of money out of us gamers, and I happily pay it but I do insist on value for money.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
Maximisation of profit leads to many malfunctioning things, if not complete disasters in many areas - not only gaming - but that's how the system works and will continue to work until we, societies, replace it with something else, for better or worse.
All I'm saying is that a small company, in a business with smaller needs of working capital, may choose a different route (quality, ethics, environment-friendly processes, etc... ) but a video game company developing and running an AAA MMO cannot.
Yes they make a lot of money out of successful games (but not all games are successful, by far... ) and only AFTER the developing investment, so the problem remains.
That doesn't mean that customers should pay more or demand less. Insisting on value for money is our right as customers - and I'd even say, our duty. Companies would provide more quality if customers would require more quality. We vote with our wallets.
But what can we do if so many players are just too happy to buy crown store stuff at any price ?
I stopped reading at "steam charts reveal this". Most players don't play over steam. At least most players on the forum don't, which I think is representative.
Steam is between 1/2 and 1/3 of pc players, pc is 1/3 of all players. More fun player base has grown during the last year.JamuThatsWho wrote: »Steam is not representative of the entire community.
The Crown Store/Crates are cosmetic and not necessary to buy.
It doesn't take that long to level up an alt.
These all sound like personal grievances.
That chart only shows the percentage of PC/Mac players that play through Steam. It does not include the (possibly larger part) of players that play through ESO's own channels, nor does it give any information on the amount of players on either console platform. For a total picture, you'd want to know the amount of players on PC/Mac-Steam + PC/Mac-Regular + Xbox + PS4. Right now you're basing your conclusions on numbers regarding just one of those groups.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »
winterscrolls229prerb18_ESO wrote: »I just returned myself a few days ago.. (finally found a class that i never tried that happened to be genius!)
Can understand how you feel though, while i also feel a combination of mild resentment, 'the crown store isn't for me', zos are idiots for only going for casino whales... out of the wash it lands that..
They've really balanced the crown store for the subscription crowns. By far both in eso and in the entire industry the sub crowns are the best deal. Its almost stupid to purchase anything else. If you look at it from everyone is subbing and how everything is priced 2000 crowns plus, its really easily balanced for crown store + random impulses. Which also means they're going for their cake and wanting to eat it too.. everyones drunk happy on their sub not to notice they're subbing AND paying for extra microtransactions.
For me im going to fall back on the free option. Choosing not to fall for all the above, id say morrowind collectors edition plus targeted subbing to play the dlc at need is the way to go. Not sure what happens at endgame, or just move on