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Give me a reason to not quit eso

So I've been playing eso since November got 2 characters maxed out, a stamdk and a magblade at cp380. I'm able to hit 30K with both of them consistently.
The obvious next step was to go into vma and get the staff and bow.
And ***, this is hell, I've been trying for 7 hours and I'm still stuck at the boss of arena 6. I don't know why people say that the ice Lake is the hardest arena.
I was so hopefull that vma would get just a little easier after that she troll fell but no not for me.
On top of that vma made me realize how seriously infuriating the hitboxes are.
Being uppercutted by a guy 5 meters to your left? Or the dwemer steamwall hitting you at 10 meters range?What a jolly good time.
Now I like a challenge but this is just straight up ***. All for weapons I probably won't get anyway, but with are essential.
I'm not having fun anymore and if I even can't finish maelstrom I can forget the hard Mode trials anyway.
I really liked this game, so I hope some of you can reignite that spark.
Edit: I can't believe I actually have to say this, but yes I'm aware that there are vma guides, I am able to use google, I was hoping for your personal input
Edited by huschdeguddzje on February 11, 2018 4:47PM
  • Shezzarrine
    Can I have your stuff?
  • CardboardedBox
    I started playing the game around a few weeks after console release, and never even attempted to do regular maelstrom arena, because of how bad I am.

    At least you're attempting it. Have patience, things can take some time. Just because you can't beat maelstrom is no reason to quit the game and make forum posts about it....
    Edited by CardboardedBox on February 11, 2018 4:40PM
  • VaranisArano
    If you really want to do VMA: Check out some guides for Veteran Maelstrom Arena. I like Joy_Division" guide here: but I'm sure there are plenty of other good ones.

    I'm running VMA for the first time with a stam sorc and a mag sorc and arena 4 is kicking my butt. Still trying though. WMA is one of those things that gets better with practice - Arenas 1, 2, and 3 were much easier the 3rd time I ran them than the first.

    Ultimately, if you aren't having fun playing the game and there's nothing you like to do in game, I'm not sure I'm going to reignite any spark. On the other hand, if there are things that you enjoy in game, perhaps it would be wise to take a break and do those for a while? I often wait until I feel like throwing myself at VMA to run it, in the meantime I'm fishing (2 more fish til Master Angler!), PVPing, or farming materials which are all things I like doing.
  • SoLooney
    guides have been out for years, no excuse to not beat it at this point
  • idk
    So I've been playing eso since November got 2 characters maxed out, a stamdk and a magblade at cp380. I'm able to hit 30K with both of them consistently.
    The obvious next step was to go into vma and get the staff and bow.
    And ***, this is hell, I've been trying for 7 hours and I'm still stuck at the boss of arena 6. I don't know why people say that the ice Lake is the hardest arena.
    I was so hopefull that vma would get just a little easier after that she troll fell but no not for me.
    On top of that vma made me realize how seriously infuriating the hitboxes are.
    Being uppercutted by a guy 5 meters to your left? Or the dwemer steamwall hitting you at 10 meters range?What a jolly good time.
    Now I like a challenge but this is just straight up ***. All for weapons I probably won't get anyway, but with are essential.
    I'm not having fun anymore and if I even can't finish maelstrom I can forget the hard Mode trials anyway.
    I really liked this game, so I hope some of you can reignite that spark.

    Look for videos where your class is clearing vMA. Use the powerups in each arena.

    The players that cleared it early mostly spent a ton of time in there before their first clear. Even today most players getting their first clear spend a great amount of time working on that goal. Heck, it was not that long ago that progression was not saved. Every day it was starting from the first arena.

    You will get it. When you get frustrated, which happens, take a break.
  • ParaNostram
    Dragonbones comes out tomorrow. That's a reason to stick around.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • WhoSlappedThePie
    Watch videos. Learn the mechanics. Try using a sorc double pet cheese build; necro , ilambris , moondancer/aether 3/4 piece. Shield up and it is easy after practice.

    It will take you a while before things are predictable for you. Level up your cp to max by grinding, doing daily random dungeons or just other content. Perfect your build and work on making things gold and correct traits.

    Complete all of normal trials, get a guild and once you have the rest of the items perfect your rotation in dummies and start completing the easier vet trials. Pvp some more?

    Try a class that doesn’t require maelstrom weapons; a tank with Torugs/ Ebon/ Alkosh (normal maw of lorkhaj) or a healer. Do the same trials with these classes and learn how they play to better your overall knowledge.

    Fishing, crafting, trading, dueling, pug dungeons, grinding and farming.

    Then do maelstrom again. And again. And again. Cause you won’t get what you want even when you complete it. Took me ~50 runs to get my lightning staff. It took me many hours to first complete, the final boss alone took me like 7 hours.

    ...or just quit.
    "It does not matter how slowly you go so long as you do not stop."

    Current Toons (Max CP):
    Magsorc Breton
    Magblade Darkelf
    Stam DK Redguard
    Healer Templar High Elf
    Tank DK Argonian
    Stamblade Redguard

    Completed: vHoF | vMoL | vSO | vSO HM | vAA | vAA HM | vHR | vHR HM | vMA | vDSA
  • FLuFFyxMuFFiN
    Don't stress yourself out over a couple weapons that aren't essential regardless of what you may have been told. People can do just fine without them. Sure they are a nice little boost to dps but people can complete the majority of content without them.
  • hydrocynus
    You cant leave yet because.......

    you havent given us all your stuff yet.
    My internet is invalid
  • Luigi_Vampa
    Walk away and come back to vMA after a days rest. One day it will click and you will wonder why you ever thought it was difficult. It is all mechanics based. Watch some videos to see exactly what needs done. Alcast has a great vMA breakdown where he slows everything down and shows you priority targets etc... And, I'm with you... i hated that spider *** much more than the Ice Stage. You'll get screwed by rng and lag sometimes, but it gets easier and easier.
    PC/EU DC
  • Yakidafi
    Well uppercut has 7m range and the steamwall I am thinking of reach very far.

    Stage 6 is spider, which is more of a dps race then stage 5, if you actually have 30k dps it should be alot easier than ice imo. What I do on stage 6 is to make sure I have a ultimate ready when the boss reach 25%hp and just nuke it there, you do not have to go full force from the start but not too slow either. For me it always worked with killing the small spider with (human like upper body) that spawn in boss fight fast, not to be confused with the spider putting web on the pillars.

    If it is your first time in vma it is normal to die alot, keep trying untill you get the mechanics.

    You have been playing for 2 months only, is already 380cp, have 2 chars and trying vma maybe you need a short break :) it usually help me if I have done something too much for a short time. Or do something more chill than vma first run through.
    Moons and sands shall be your guide and path.
    PC EU/NA
  • KingYogi415
    Not everything is meant to be easy and handed to you instantly.

    Maybe wait for 450-550 CP before you cry about not being able to beat the hardest single player content in the game.

    And magsorc or stamsorc are known to be the best for it.
  • ParaNostram
    Serious comment though, if you aren't having fun playing a game either play a different game or play the game differently. Repeat until you're actually having fun.

    Life is too short to treat a hobby like a dayjob.
    "Your mistake is you begged for your life, not for mercy. I will show you there are many fates worse than death."

    Para Nostram
    Bosmer Sorceress
    Witch of Evermore

    "Death is a privilege that can be denied by it's learned scholars."
    Order of the Black Worm
  • Smmokkee
    Very few people enjoy vma and its only making you better. Its the hardest and most telling content in the game if you ask me. Almost everything has to be perfect or youll start a chain of events that will most likely lead to your death unless you can save it.

    Also 7 hours? Lol.
  • Lynnessa
    Serious comment though, if you aren't having fun playing a game either play a different game or play the game differently. Repeat until you're actually having fun.

    Life is too short to treat a hobby like a dayjob.

    Agreed, sounds like you might just be burned out on ESO or gaming in general. Can't really give you a reason not to quit since there are probably better things all of us could be doing than playing video games, but I can say maybe if you just put it down for a while you will find you do in fact still enjoy it.
  • Robo_Hobo
    Stage 6 boss can be pretty annoying, it's one of the bosses that are very demanding that the mechanics be done, or else you eventually get one-shot regardless of DPS. It's easy to pay too much attention on the boss and not see the spider webbing up cleansed obelisks, the other spider who gradually slows you down to a fatal standstill if not dealt with for too long, and the hoarvers who despawn if they don't get aggro soon enough.

    My advice would be to take that fight slow and look more to the background than the boss, outside of what's necessary to survive her own attacks. When you can start to balance keeping an eye on the background mechanics, then you can go back to burning her down.

  • Princess_Ciri
    if you quit i get your stuff
    GM and raid leader of Hot Girls Play DPS, the cutest guild EU
  • Ohtimbar
    Maybe it would be best to quit for a few days until the frustration wears off. Then you can come back with a clear head and try again. As for advice on vma, there's nothing anyone can say that youtube can't show you in detail.
    forever stuck in combat
  • Hallothiel
    Nah for real frustration try getting Master Angler achievement. Wonderful mix of boredom and rubbish rng. So go & try fishing for a while - then go back 'refreshed' :)
    Edited by Hallothiel on February 11, 2018 5:43PM
  • Anotherone773
    If certain content is frustrating or annoying you, dont do it for a while. You actually defeat yourself and make it harder by trying to do it. Go do something else. Collect shards, work on leveling guilds, run quests, do achieves, make some gold, etc. Leave it alone for a few days until you dont feel frustrated about it and then figure out a tactic or plan to try and make another attempt. Rinse and repeat.

    Many abilities in this game dont make sense. I have melee abilities, with daggers, that reach 7 meters. Thats a pretty long dagger at 21 feet or i have spaghetti arms. Assume that all melee abilities have AT LEAST a 5 meter reach.
  • Linaleah
    you can do HM trials without VMA weapons. that said... VMA is a bit like old school platformers. you have to memorize where all the spawns are. once you are intimately familiar with the map and cadence of mob spawns and react before they even show up? it becomes farmable - guides linked above help with learning where spawns are as well.

    but while you are still learning? frustrating? absolutely. not very fun? most definitely. essential? eh...
    dirty worthless casual.
    Reputation is what other people know about you. Honor is what you know about yourself. Guard your honor. Let your reputation fall where it will. And outlive the ***
    Lois McMaster Bujold "A Civil Campaign"
  • Jade1986
    Honestly? I really cant at this point. I logged in ONCE this week, and that was to preview the horse ppl were whining about . Other than that , to me, the game has really hit a plateu and is going to crash soon. Too much focus on content with low QA and too much focus on the crown shop, too little focus on bug fixing, server upgrades, performance fixes, etc.
  • Unfadingsilence
    So I've been playing eso since November got 2 characters maxed out, a stamdk and a magblade at cp380. I'm able to hit 30K with both of them consistently.
    The obvious next step was to go into vma and get the staff and bow.
    And ***, this is hell, I've been trying for 7 hours and I'm still stuck at the boss of arena 6. I don't know why people say that the ice Lake is the hardest arena.
    I was so hopefull that vma would get just a little easier after that she troll fell but no not for me.
    On top of that vma made me realize how seriously infuriating the hitboxes are.
    Being uppercutted by a guy 5 meters to your left? Or the dwemer steamwall hitting you at 10 meters range?What a jolly good time.
    Now I like a challenge but this is just straight up ***. All for weapons I probably won't get anyway, but with are essential.
    I'm not having fun anymore and if I even can't finish maelstrom I can forget the hard Mode trials anyway.
    I really liked this game, so I hope some of you can reignite that spark.
    Edit: I can't believe I actually have to say this, but yes I'm aware that there are vma guides, I am able to use google, I was hoping for your personal input

    Take it stage by stage don't over do it or you will hate it watch videos of each stage and see what your doing wrong or who to focus first. But my own advice to give tbh since it saves progress now do 1 stage per day that's it learn it and remember. When I first started vma and this is before you had 100% chance to get a weapon it took me so long and I farmed it over 400 times to get 1 weapon went from hour long runs to 30 min runs now and started vma around 250 CP
  • Pops_ND_Irish
    I dont think anything anybody says will cause you to stay. Your mind is made up, but you need to complain to justify leaving
  • Hokiewa
    Jade1986 wrote: »
    Honestly? I really cant at this point. I logged in ONCE this week, and that was to preview the horse ppl were whining about . Other than that , to me, the game has really hit a plateu and is going to crash soon. Too much focus on content with low QA and too much focus on the crown shop, too little focus on bug fixing, server upgrades, performance fixes, etc.

    We are all aware how you feel. You've been predicting doom for eso for six months. If you are truly this unhappy then why do you stay? I know the answer and so do you.......
  • danno8
    If you've only been trying for 7 hours your are about 10 hours short of what it takes the majority of people to make their way through vMSA the first time according to this poll

    It used to be even worse when your progress didn't save....
  • DieAlteHexe
    Hallothiel wrote: »
    Nah for real frustration try getting Master Angler achievement. Wonderful mix of boredom and rubbish rng. So go & try fishing for a while - then go back 'refreshed' :)

    10 fish away from having it. :)

    Wasn't so bad. I did a lot of reading whilst doing the fishing.

    Dirty, filthy casual aka Nancy, the Wallet Warrior Carebear Potato Whale Snowflake
  • Doctordarkspawn
    If this community is any indication, flee and flee far.
  • notimetocare
    So I've been playing eso since November got 2 characters maxed out, a stamdk and a magblade at cp380. I'm able to hit 30K with both of them consistently.
    The obvious next step was to go into vma and get the staff and bow.
    And ***, this is hell, I've been trying for 7 hours and I'm still stuck at the boss of arena 6. I don't know why people say that the ice Lake is the hardest arena.
    I was so hopefull that vma would get just a little easier after that she troll fell but no not for me.
    On top of that vma made me realize how seriously infuriating the hitboxes are.
    Being uppercutted by a guy 5 meters to your left? Or the dwemer steamwall hitting you at 10 meters range?What a jolly good time.
    Now I like a challenge but this is just straight up ***. All for weapons I probably won't get anyway, but with are essential.
    I'm not having fun anymore and if I even can't finish maelstrom I can forget the hard Mode trials anyway.
    I really liked this game, so I hope some of you can reignite that spark.
    Edit: I can't believe I actually have to say this, but yes I'm aware that there are vma guides, I am able to use google, I was hoping for your personal input

    L2p. Literally, once you understand vMA it is mostly a cakewalk
  • RANKK7
    Wait to meet last boss :trollface:

    Seriously... stage 6 has been the most difficult for me (until last boss) so I may say something useful for you, I hope.

    What I did wrong in there was to be stubborn (more a fool than stubborn), not caring about mechanics, I thought I was some kind of badass that could have ignored the pillars webs and all.

    Once I've wasted a lot of hours I went to read the damn thing in depth and it has been another universe entirely, it became even easy all of a sudden (except for one bug that sometimes happens when you see all the pillars free of webs while they are not, it doesn't happen often though).

    That's all I can say, read carefully about the mechanics in that stage and you won't have any serious problem. I've also left grothdarr for that stage and equipped another set because was killing horvars before time.

    It's all I can say about that place, read about the mechanics, it's now my favorite stage and back then I would have never thought so :D
    "I really don't know who the **** came off with this change. Definitely somebody who does not play the game, that's for sure".
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