I'm one of them. I'm heavily involved in several guilds, but when I want to fly solo it's a good experience for the most part, with a few obvious and silly exceptions. I don't view the solo/group dichotomy as being zero sum. I think the game can and should cater to both audiences as best it can, and there's plenty of room for improvement in that area.Amusingly enough a lot of players love that part(...)
The most active zones are usually Undaunted hubs(which are also capitals with a lot of traders) - Deshaan, Stormhaven, Greenshade - and Rawl'Kha just because it's Rawl'Kha. The zonechat in those is almost never dead, at least on PC, in my exprience. That aside, you could try looking for a friendly social/rp guild in guild section of the forums.
anitajoneb17_ESO wrote: »Wanting social interaction in the game but not wanting to join guilds. Fine. Sounds like wanting natural sunlight without going outside.
I understand say, zone and yell. I want to be able to join a channel without joining a guild. And most of the zone chats are very unresponsive.
I would like to join a world rp channel. Or an ooc world channel.
I love the game but the mmo portion is really bad. I've played for almost 2 months ...and have had almost no interaction with other players. I've yelled in zones and with no guild or group finder it is not very new player friendly...