Vigor is something like 200k AP in total I believe. As Battlegrounds will give 7,000 AP just for being there next update, you’ll need 29 matches to get there (or, open world PvP, around 30 or 40 keep captures where you just follow the faction stack). Seems really hard.
Vigor is something like 200k AP in total I believe. As Battlegrounds will give 7,000 AP just for being there next update, you’ll need 29 matches to get there (or, open world PvP, around 30 or 40 keep captures where you just follow the faction stack). Seems really hard.
In fact Vigor is unlocked at 98K AP, when reaching Assault rank 5. Caltrops is unlocked at Assault rank 6, which is 145K. That can be easily earned in one afternoon.
Vigor is something like 200k AP in total I believe. As Battlegrounds will give 7,000 AP just for being there next update, you’ll need 29 matches to get there (or, open world PvP, around 30 or 40 keep captures where you just follow the faction stack). Seems really hard.
In fact Vigor is unlocked at 98K AP, when reaching Assault rank 5. Caltrops is unlocked at Assault rank 6, which is 145K. That can be easily earned in one afternoon.
if it could be easily earned in one afternoon I wouldn't have been stuck on assault rank 4 on the one character that needs them for the past 3 weeks, earning barely 1K ap per day, between getting instakilled, failing sieges and finding the enemy zerg train no matter where I go...
Luigi_Vampa wrote: »Vigor is something like 200k AP in total I believe. As Battlegrounds will give 7,000 AP just for being there next update, you’ll need 29 matches to get there (or, open world PvP, around 30 or 40 keep captures where you just follow the faction stack). Seems really hard.
In fact Vigor is unlocked at 98K AP, when reaching Assault rank 5. Caltrops is unlocked at Assault rank 6, which is 145K. That can be easily earned in one afternoon.
if it could be easily earned in one afternoon I wouldn't have been stuck on assault rank 4 on the one character that needs them for the past 3 weeks, earning barely 1K ap per day, between getting instakilled, failing sieges and finding the enemy zerg train no matter where I go...
You can AFK in a keep and earn more than 1k AP a day.
My point was it takes a lot more pledges etc to level undaunted up. I was in a group of 6 last night and we got 100k AP in just over two hours.
No, AP skills should be earned like all the others, per character.
I understand you feeling frustrated, but you've been given good advice. I was worried it would take me forever to get level 6, but I've done it on four toons now (2 stam, 1 mag, 1 healer) and it averaged about 10-12 hours of play time in Cyrodiil for each, even when I was dying constantly. That was a lot faster than I'd expected, so I was happy.
In addition to what others have said above, one thing I found helpful was figuring out the campaign(s) and times where my faction was most active, and scheduling my play time around it (guild/group mates can be a great help in figuring this out). A few hours can make a big difference in population/how many groups are running, etc. Doing that, AP added up fast as long as I stayed where the action was (switching campaigns as necessary), no matter what role. Defending/taking keeps and resources, or healing, the key was following the fights. Sometimes I'd get a 9k or more tic just from doing a few minutes of defensive counter-siege, but I always earned it faster by joining a med-large group for a few hours of taking resources.
try less "worried about it taking forever" and more "I've been trying every day for almost 6 hours per day for the past three weeks to get alliance war to rank 6, and so far.. rank 4" that is why I want to be able to spend the AP I've got sitting about from messing about in battle ground on ranking up my alliance war skill tree.
Prince_of_all_Pugs wrote: »jeez its not hard to get vigor, just zerg surf for an hour in vivec.