Hey all. I have been playing for 3 years and have mostly run solo and relaxed without any min/max focus. I have been running with basic craftable sets (so i look the way i want, praise be to the outfitsystem) instead of with monster sets and hard to grind procsets. I use hundings rage and nightmother, you know the basic crit and damage without to much math;) also i have been using skills that i thought was fun like flying blade for that assasin feel and the crosbow caus it’s cool (i do switch them out for more AOE focused skills when in a dungeon session)
Now however i though i would try my luck with vet dragonstar arena on account of the sweet Master bow. I got a group of friendly people together, but it quickly became apparent, that my dps was just not good enough and i excused myself to find out how to improve. So my question is simply: What works for you?
I run dualwield and bow, but can offcause switch to 2handed it that is a must. What skills do you use and what sets should i aquire for endgame vet trials and the like? All suggestions and any advice is most welcome.