Running ESO on an integrated graphics card

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Anyone running ESO successfully on an integrated graphics card?
I am picking up a new high end Windows10 tablet soon and most seem to have the Intel HD Graphics 620. Anyone tried this?
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  • Merlin13KAGL
    Just. Say. No.

    Expect to dial back your settings (why are you running it on a tablet anyway?), as you're never going to get the performance of a dedicated card on an integrated one.

    Shared memory, processing, etc. You can make it work probably, but don't expect 1080p Ultra anytime soon.

    And what, pray tell, compromises a 'High end Wi10 tablet?"
    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Banana
    I would expect it to be terrible.
  • Epona222
    This a CPU and graphics heavy game that requires a decent computer - a desktop (or high end gaming laptop, if you need to be mobile).

    I don't understand why anyone would even try to play it on tablet, that seems insane and unlikely to work well enough to be playable.
    Edited by Epona222 on February 5, 2018 12:16PM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Zypheran
    Just. Say. No.

    Expect to dial back your settings (why are you running it on a tablet anyway?), as you're never going to get the performance of a dedicated card on an integrated one.

    Shared memory, processing, etc. You can make it work probably, but don't expect 1080p Ultra anytime soon.

    And what, pray tell, compromises a 'High end Wi10 tablet?"

    I know that performance will take a hit. I will still be playing ESO predominantly on my desk-top gaming rig. I am picking up a windows tablet for work (something like the Surface Pro) and just wondered if there is any insight from people on whether or not certain integrated cards might give the option for occasional mobile gaming
    All my housing builds are available on YouTube
    I am happy to share the EHT save files for most of my builds.
  • Saturnana
    I ran it on an integrated card (Intel HD Graphics 530) before I bought my dedicated one.. If the integrated card you're looking at is anything like mine then it's certainly possible, but prepare to play on the absolute lowest-of-the-lowest settings. :/

    I'd advice against playing on a tablet - and probably even on a laptop that's not designed with gaming in mind - anyway as they're not generally meant for playing heavier games such as MMOs and can get really hot while doing so. Which is not only uncomfortable, but unhealthy for your hardware in the long run. When I was shopping around for a new system, I compared PC / Laptop prices and their components, and ended up deciding that building my own rig would get me WAY more bang for much less buck. (; Might be an option for you too?
    @Saturnna | PC / EU

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  • Merlin13KAGL
    Zypheran wrote: »

    I know that performance will take a hit. I will still be playing ESO predominantly on my desk-top gaming rig. I am picking up a windows tablet for work (something like the Surface Pro) and just wondered if there is any insight from people on whether or not certain integrated cards might give the option for occasional mobile gaming
    It partly depends on what you intend to do. If you're doing basic questing / crafting, etc, it will work. As mentioned, you're likely to be on the low end of the graphics settings.

    So, if you can stand to look at it, you can probably do the basic stuff. I wouldn't expect to be able to effectively do anything that requires timing or intense mechanics, though.

    Just because you don't like the way something is doesn't necessarily make it wrong...

    Earn it.

    IRL'ing for a while for assorted reasons, in forum, and in game.
    I am neither warm, nor fuzzy...
    Probably has checkbox on Customer Service profile that say High Aggro, 99% immunity to BS
  • Magdalina
    Prooooooobably not. I play on laptop which has an integrated Intel something card and a (pretty potato by modern standards, but it gets the job done) Nvidia one, and at one point my Nvidia card was bugging out hardcore(it's magically fixed itself since then) and a few times I ended up starting the game on the integrated one. Well...on bright side, it did start. On bad, everything looked awful - I don't mean just low quality textures, that's a given, but a lot of things lost their detail/shading/colouring/shine(not sure how to Voidsteel Violet is a beautiful dye that's kind of black with a strong blue tint. That time it was solid matte black) which I assume are just not supported by that card and even on the lowest of the lowest settings I was running like 5 fps.

    Of course I'm talking like a 5 year old laptop which wasn't top notch gaming machine even back then and I imagine even in-built graphical cards have evolved quite a bit since then but...I would still highly not recommend it. Plus with a tablet video card won't be your only issue. Does it even have enough space(ESO needs over 80 Gb to install)? Is its CPU powerful enough? Won't it overheat? Idk, if you have enough time and disk space you could try to install it on tablet just to see how it'd work, but I doubt you'd be able to do much beyond picking up mail/doing writs/feeding horses, and that's in best case.
  • Aisle9
    I've been playing the game on an HP Pavilion DV7, with a HD mobility radeon 6770M (switchable), since I first got it...

    ...and every time I step in a trial I want to kill myself.

    That said, it's definitely playable... if you consider less than 30 fps (on average) playable with a 1600x900 res and all the graphics turned down.

    Then again people play it on an xbox, so...
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    In the Game of PuGs you win or you ragequit

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  • Azurya
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Anyone running ESO successfully on an integrated graphics card?
    I am picking up a new high end Windows10 tablet soon and most seem to have the Intel HD Graphics 620. Anyone tried this?

    be so kind and post your experiences here!
    and expect nothing....
  • Seri
    Zypheran wrote: »

    I know that performance will take a hit. I will still be playing ESO predominantly on my desk-top gaming rig. I am picking up a windows tablet for work (something like the Surface Pro) and just wondered if there is any insight from people on whether or not certain integrated cards might give the option for occasional mobile gaming
    I have ESO on my Surface Pro 4 (i5 CPU with Intel 520 graphics), installed onto the SD card. If everything is fairly low settings, low draw distance, lower resolution (so non-native) it works, and even has a decent frame-rate although it looks pretty bad. Usable in a pinch if you want dailies or have 30 minutes or an hour to kill (and I even healed last boss of a vCOS because some friends asked really nicely) but it's really not great for much longer due to fan noise and the graphics, and I definitely wouldn't run trials or PvP with it.
    EP CP160+ Templar, Sorc, NB
    DC CP160+ Templar, Sorc, DK
  • Epona222
    It is going to be horrible, I built a new desktop PC a year, 18 months ago - and it was like a revelation - because my old desktop PC (which still had fairly decent components) had trouble loading NPCs, other group members, etc (basically playing in any complex combat situation was impossible)

    I mean I wish you luck, and would be delighted to be proven wrong (that would mean however that fans and cooling are irrelevant, which I would like to see evidence of if that is the case, I mean maybe those are no longer necessary, and games like ESO can be played on a device a few mm thick without any cooling), but I think it's going to be fairly nasty playing on a tablet, if it's even possible.
    Edited by Epona222 on February 5, 2018 12:39PM
    GM - Ghost Sea Trading Co - NA PC

    Epona was a Romano-Celtic goddess dating back to around 1800 to 2000 years before computer games were invented.
  • Vermintide
    I recently installed it on a 3-4 year old laptop with a low end i3 and integrated graphics, just for a laugh.

    Much to my surprise, with low settings you're able to manage a pretty decent 30ish FPS for quiet overland stuff. Towns lag hard, obviously, but I even managed to make it through a dungeon, albeit with several very badly timed lag stutters.

    So yeah it will work. Just don't expect the greatest experience.
  • OmniDo
    Most Mid to high-end Laptops today can play ESO at 1080p, maximum settings, and still maintain about 30fps.
    The irony is, in a few short years we will be laughing at statements like: "You cant run this on a tablet..." as transistor chips and their total computational power continue to exponentially increase.
  • lolo_01b16_ESO
    My notebook has an intel hd4400. If you can deal with low fps, bad graphics and sometimes even stuff being invisable during combat, it will work. I managed to do even some harder content on it like vMol hardmode or deathless.

    But I certainly wouldn't recommend to use it to play on a regular basis, just for those situations where you can't use your regular pc for whatever reason.
  • Ermiq
    Tested it on my laptop (i7-7700HQ, Nvidia 1050Ti/Intel HD 630).
    Well, on my Intel HD graphics the game is pretty playable in 1080p resolution with minimal graphics preset. I can play with 30-40FPS (it feels quite laggy though) with this settings
    1undPSQ.jpg(Yeah, it looks worse than WoW actually)

    But I don't know what CPU that tablet you've mentioned has.
    Games like ESO (MMORPGs) need good CPUs, and with integrated graphics a CPU have even more job to do since an integrated graphics are a part of a CPU cheap and an integrated GPU takes some resources from a CPU (memory mostly).
    So, you should expect a bit less FPS and a bit more microfreezes and stuttering on tablet.

    Also, make sure that tablet CPU has x64 support, the x32 version of ESO is not supported anymore. Moreover, tablets can have an ARM architectured CPU (which is not for desktop applications at all), so make sure twice.
    And don't forget about RAM. I think you need at least 4GB of RAM to play ESO (I'm not sure if it's enough, check ESO's minimal requirements).
    One of the two of us definitely has gone mad. It only remains to define whether this one is the whole world or just me.

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    Sick&tired of being kicked off from your house when you complete a dungeon? ComingBackHome addon is what you need!
    Me is russian little bad in english :b
  • Jayman1000
    Zypheran wrote: »
    Anyone running ESO successfully on an integrated graphics card?
    I am picking up a new high end Windows10 tablet soon and most seem to have the Intel HD Graphics 620. Anyone tried this?

    Yes. If it is Intel then the HD4000 model is the minimum and it certainly is possible. Anything less than that wont work because it wont be directx11.

    Also even though ESO is quite CPU intensive in areas with lots of players and particles, you can run ESO with surprisingly old CPU's, even if it means dipping down from around 30fps and down to 10-20 fps on bare minimum settings.
    Edited by Jayman1000 on February 5, 2018 3:08PM
  • aeirios
    sadly if you can get it to run you'll still be pulling your hair out. i bought this on ebay for a little 300$ play on about medium settings 1920x1080 usually above 50fps easily. Acer Aspire E 15 E5-575G-57D4.
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