Hi there,
just wanted you to know the burning bug is back (
assuming it has been fixed previously) to cyrodiil.

Not entirely sure, but it does seem to impact fights as i did notice a step increase in my accumulation of Death Recaps after obtaining the burning status.
However, I don't know... and frankly don't care, to which specific abilities or other influential factors this may or may not be related. Just fix it!
This bug is most reliably reproducable by standing in stupid of a fire ballista...
uhm... yeah ... guilty.
The burning status does not end upon death or death's
(... or however the english language notes down several death of one person), its not purgeable and /reloadUI command doesn't vaporize it.
As far as i can tell, the only way of getting rid of it is to leave cyrodiil via wayshrine ... on a saturday evening during primetime.
Well, thank you!
Edited by Elsterchen on February 4, 2018 11:16AM