Unsure if bugged or not. But we all know Selen has 15% chance same as essence thief. But selene procs so much more & feels as if essence thief never procs or bugged.
Perhaps raise that 15 to 20 % & change 12% increase damage to 10%
VaranisArano wrote: »1. Those are totally differnt proc conditions. Essence thief is 15% on a light attack, Selene's is 15% on direct melee damage. So if you want to increase your proc chance on Essence Thief, make sure you light attack. To make them equal, ZOS would need to increase the proc chance on Essence Thief OR change the proc condition to a more common one.
2. Isn't the bigger problem with Essence Thief the clunkiness of the proc itself because you have to go collect the essence? At least from the critiques of the set I've seen, its hard to use effectively because of the way the essence spawns. I pick up pieces of it because I want to try it out, but I never hear that those issues have been fixed.
Is there a reason you wouldn't want the essence to be available to allies?
This would make a super fun group support set along the lines of Powerful Assault. They wouldn't have to change anything else about it honestly.
KeiruNicrom wrote: »"When you deal damage with a light attack you have a 15% chance to draw the targets life essence to their skin for 15 seconds. Heavy attacking enemies who have their essence drawn out will restore 2000 health and stamina and increase your damage done by 12% for 10 seconds with a cooldown of 10 seconds"
Is there a reason you wouldn't want the essence to be available to allies?
This would make a super fun group support set along the lines of Powerful Assault. They wouldn't have to change anything else about it honestly.