WARNING: Shrike's Nocturnal Frock has UNDYABLE gold trim

I was thrilled by this outfit... until I went to dye it. In the future ESO, you need to let us know in the description if there are undyable parts of a costume, and if possible what those elements are.

I want the undyable gold trim to be part of the 2nd or 3rd dye swatch, as I imagine all other players do too. I paid 2000 crowns for this outfit, and I expect it to be dyable and not locked into a garish bright gold trim, and I expect this issue to be fixed soon. Thank you.

Secondarily, there are minor clipping/mesh issues under the arms and along the torso side seams, but to me is minor in comparison to the dye issue.
  • Minyassa
    I'm very grateful to see all these forum threads warning us of this issue, because it IS a dealbreaker. I thought the price was exhorbitant but possibly worth it for potential future use (if they give us some male skins that aren't freaking gorillas) but with undyeable parts? Absolutely not. Thank you for the warning. I would have regretted this purchase.
  • Elsonso
    Minyassa wrote: »
    I'm very grateful to see all these forum threads warning us of this issue, because it IS a dealbreaker. I thought the price was exhorbitant but possibly worth it for potential future use (if they give us some male skins that aren't freaking gorillas) but with undyeable parts? Absolutely not. Thank you for the warning. I would have regretted this purchase.

    They certainly stopped me from buying it. The work week went by with all five of the people who could respond ignoring the issue, so the decision to not buy was well founded.
    PC NA/EU: @Elsonso
    XBox EU/NA: @ElsonsoJannus
    X/Twitter: ElsonsoJannus
  • Texecutioner187
    It's horrible... Terribly limits what you can do to the costume color-wise. It should be the same dye as the rest of the trim.
  • Mielikki
    I really don't understand why some parts are undyable, and they KEEP at it with the body morphing! Have you people noticed this already? In both male and females:

  • playerkiller247
    This costume has so many issues, it's crazy.
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