Help with the final dialog at the end of Family Reunion Marrowind Quest - SPOILERS

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I have looked everywhere and I haven't really found an answer so here I am. At the end of the Family Reunion quest Nayru tells you to meet her and Veya on the docks in Vivec city if I wish to see her again before they leave. ( I decided to let Veya live). I finished in the safe-house and rode to Vivec City. I looked all around the docks, then looked on the forums. I am in the right place. Not sure if this is bugged or what. I did the Sweet Roll Killer quest and I have finished the main story in Vivec City. I am really bummed that this is missing or bugged. @ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can either of help with this, there is some information on Reddit and other places (not here) that says its random or may bug out if certain quests are completed or not completed. Would just like to know if I should give up or if there is a solution. Thanks.

Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
Nord - MagDK - Tank
High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Jhalin
    You probably need to refresh the instance. I ported back to Vivec City and saw them, so it does happen.
  • PrinceShroob
    There are three encounters with Naryu in Vivec.

    In the first, you can meet her on the second floor of the St. Delyn Canton if you've done her quests in all other zones where she appears -- Deshaan, Eastmarch, the Gold Coast, and Vvardenfell. In the second, she'll be inside the St. Delyn Canton to follow up on the Sweetroll Killer quest. Finally, she'll be by the docks with Veya if you spared her in Balmora.

    These encounters seem to cycle out, in the order I wrote them in. So if you can't find her by the docks, try going through a door or into the outlaw's refuge.
  • Silver_Strider
    I did her quest prior to finishing up Morrowind (killed Veya) and she appeared next to the woodworking station in Vivec City.
    Argonian forever
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    I really appreciate all the suggestions and I did all those things, ported out, reloadUI..and I have completed every quest she is in, sad that this one seems to be an issue.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Pyr0xyrecuprotite
    BTW, look at the docks just east of the clothing crafting station in Vivec City (I think). There are several other docks that you might be looking at.
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    @ZOS_KatP I really don't appropriate you moving this to quests and exploration! I don't need help with the quest, I need someone to explain why the NPC hasn't spawned as intended. Do you read the post or just the title?
    The end of the quest, has an issue, be it a bug or something else. I know where the NPC are supposed to be, I went there, they aren't there.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Idinuse
    If I remember it correctly, they show up at the end of or after the Main Quest? Might be remembering wrong though, but remember I reacted when I first didn't see them too. Didn't look it up on the net though, just figured it'd be sooo cool if I were to meet them both again, and after a while they were right there. And they stay there. Worth it! <3

    Quest spoiler alert!:
    Especially since Veya is being shipped off to Raz, given a forthcoming Summerset chapter, maybe we'll get to meet her and Raz again?...
    Edited by Idinuse on February 1, 2018 8:34PM
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • SGT_Wolfe101st
    Idinuse wrote: »
    If I remember it correctly, they show up at the end of or after the Main Quest? Might be remembering wrong though, but remember I reacted when I first didn't see them too. Didn't look it up on the net though, just figured it'd be sooo cool if I were to meet them both again, and after a while they were right there. And they stay there. Worth it! <3

    Thanks, I finished the Main Quest, not sure what else to do. Stinks.
    PS4 -NA AD

    Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
    Nord - MagDK - Tank
    High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
    Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer
  • Idinuse

    Thanks, I finished the Main Quest, not sure what else to do. Stinks.

    Aw! D= Sorry!
    Sed ut perspiciatis unde omnis iste natus error sit voluptatem accusantium dolorem que laudantium, totam rem aperiam, eaque ipsa quae ab illo inventore veritatis et quasi architecto beatae vitae dicta sunt explicabo. Nemo enim ipsam voluptatem quia voluptas sit aspernatur aut odit aut fugit, sed quia consequuntur magni dolores eos qui ratione voluptatem sequi nesciunt. Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit, sed quia non numquam eius modi tempora incidunt ut labore et dolore magnam aliquam quaerat voluptatem. Ut enim ad minima veniam, quis nostrum exercitationem ullam corporis suscipit laboriosam, nisi ut aliquid ex ea commodi consequatur? Quis autem vel eum iure reprehenderit qui in ea voluptate velit esse quam nihil molestiae consequatur, vel illum qui dolorem eum fugiat quo voluptas nulla pariatur?
  • ZOS_JasonBarnes
    Hi SGT_Wolfe101st!

    I can confirm that after Balmora's quest line, Naryu appears in random locations through-out the city of Vivec city. Some of these are based on past achievements, so she'll only show up if you've completed certain quests from other DLC and the base game.

    There is a chance that if you've only completed the Balmora quest line, but not some of the previous achievements, she may not actually be in the city at that moment. Leaving Vivec and coming back later, you'll sometimes run into her, but it's random.
    Jason Barnes
    Zone Lead
    Staff Post
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