I have looked everywhere and I haven't really found an answer so here I am. At the end of the Family Reunion quest Nayru tells you to meet her and Veya on the docks in Vivec city if I wish to see her again before they leave. ( I decided to let Veya live). I finished in the safe-house and rode to Vivec City. I looked all around the docks, then looked on the forums. I am in the right place. Not sure if this is bugged or what. I did the Sweet Roll Killer quest and I have finished the main story in Vivec City. I am really bummed that this is missing or bugged.
@ZOS_GinaBruno @ZOS_JessicaFolsom Can either of help with this, there is some information on Reddit and other places (not here) that says its random or may bug out if certain quests are completed or not completed. Would just like to know if I should give up or if there is a solution. Thanks.
Wood Elf - StamNB - DPS
Nord - MagDK - Tank
High Elf - MagSorc - DPS
Dark Elf - Mag Warden- Healer